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[basyx-dev] Setting up Basyx

Dear BaSyx developpers,

I am currently trying to install your BaSyx SDK, following the guide you provided at
However, I am unable to finish this set up, as even after the "Maven install" of the basyx.sdk (I also tried the following steps with no success), I can't make basyx.components compile.
First, after the maven install of basyx.sdk, basyx.components still has errors, more precisely its test folder.
It seems the link between the basyx.sdk test classes and the basyx.components test ones is broken as any import of org.eclipse.basyx.testsuite classes fail.

However I don't understand why the imports for the basyx.sdk main classes work as I don't see any JAR file built by the maven install of basyx.sdk anywhere inside the components folder.

Do you have any idea of what I missed during my setting up?

Best regards,

Nicolas Duminy


Below are details about my particular setup and everything that seemed odd:

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.3
Java version: OpenJDK 11

When I updated the Maven projects, I disabled the box "Update project configuration from pom.xml" as it messed up the Java build path step done before (it replaced OpenJDK 11 by "JRE System Library [Java-SE-1.8]"). The other boxes checked are the default ones "Refresh workspace resources from local filesystem" and "Clean projects".

After the maven update of the projects, and the addition of JUnit 5, I performed the maven install.
If I understand correctly, it is supposed to compile the SDK into a JAR file and place the JAR file somewhere inside both the basyx.components and basyx.examples projects.
But in the console, at the end of the install, I saw the following lines:

[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ basyx.sdk ---
[INFO] Installing /home/<basyx-directory>/sdks/java/basys.sdk/target/basyx.sdk-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/<username>/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/basyx/basyx.sdk/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/basyx.sdk-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/<basyx-directory>/sdks/java/basys.sdk/pom.xml to /home/<username>/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/basyx/basyx.sdk/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/basyx.sdk-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/<basyx-directory>/sdks/java/basys.sdk/target/basyx.sdk-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/<username>/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/basyx/basyx.sdk/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/basyx.sdk-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar

I am surprised that the installation don't copy those files directly inside the other projects, however I don't know how maven works so it may be normal.

Also, when I look in Eclipse into the Maven dependencies of the basyx.components project, I see the line "basyx.sdk [without test code]" which is not a jar file as all the other ones.

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