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[babel-dev] May we introduce ourselfs...


as you might have noticed on this list, three commiters were added to the babel project recently. We would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce ourselfs as well as the work that we have been doing.

Alexej Strelzow, born in Voronezh (Russia), currently roosts ;-), works and studies in the beautiful city of Vienna (Austria). Besides his studies in the area of Business Informatics and Software Engineering & Internet Computing he is interested in martial arts (1st dan black belt in Dae Han Min Guk Hapkido), climbing and travelling. Alexej is a SCJP for the platform 1.6 and he has been using the Eclipse IDE for many years and got in touch with many concepts and technologies, like Internationalization, Data Binding, SWT, JFaces, CNF, JDT, AST, BIRT and so on. He appreciates the upgrade to an Eclipse Babel committer very much and will do his best to keep the "ki" (energy) flowing.

Since 2004, Martin periodically worked as freelancer on different software projects. In 2010, he started working as software engineer and scientific project member for RISE. Approximately at the same time, he began to work on the research project TapiJI at the Vienna University of Technology. After contributing parts of TapiJI to the Eclipse Babel project, Martin appreciates his upgrade to an Eclipse Babel committer.

Stefan Strobl is a research assistant at the Vienna University of Technology, currently on a research assignment in southern India. He is currently working in the field of software engineering, maintenance and evolution as well as software internationalization and software product lines - both, from an academic and industrial perspective. His previous experience in the Eclipse Environment include being a comitter on the Mylyn Reviews project.

The three of us (together with some other contributors and students) have been working on a research project called TapiJI [0] supported by the Research Group for Industrial Software, Vienna University of Technology. TapiJI is a smart set of tools to facilitate processes around builing internationalised software, built on top of the great work done by Pascal Essiembre, the Essiember Resource Bundle Editor (which was also contributed to the Babel project and is now known as Babel Messages Editor). The project was started in early 2010 based on the research done by Martin on his masters thesis supervised by Stefan. Great feedback from a presentation done at an Eclipse DemoCamp in Vienna prompted us to open source the project on EclipseLabs and continue bejond the scope of the original thesis. This includes but is not limited to the work done by Alexej who has implemented the refactoring support as well as some sophisticated bug fixes and improvements to the original messages editor.

To further facilitate community involvement and contributions we have now decided to contribute the already matured core code base to the Eclipse Babel project. A step that has just been completed today by performing the initial commits [1], [2]. Some less stable artefacts, plugins and prototypes are going to be kept in the EclipseLabs project to provide a suiteable environment for the students of our research project. If you are interested in our newest ideas and experiments, please do not hesitate to check it out.


We welcome you to check out the new contributions to babel and invite you to tell us your opinion about them. If you would like to contribute in any way, please let us know.

Finally we want to extend a big thank you to Kit Lo and Denis Roy for all the support they have been giving us during the last months in completing the contribution and the process for bringing us in as commiters.

best regards
Alexej, Martin and Stefan

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