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[automotive-pmc] Automotive Top Level Project - Meeting on 9 June 2021 15:00-17:00

Hi everyone,
as you might know, the Automotive Top Level Project (TLP) was founded in March 2021.
It is the host for automotive related projects and - like any TLP - has a Project Management Committee (PMC) which is in charge of some governance aspects.
The PMC would like to invite you to a (virtual) meeting where we will introduce ourselves and give an overview of the automotive TLP.
We will also give you the opportunity to present your project in a less formal way and to start an exchange between the participants.
Means, you can give a presentation about your project, you can just introduce yourself to have the “faces behind the projects”, …
Please give us feedback, if you would like to present your project.
The proposed agenda looks like:
•       PMC member introduction
•       Automotive TLP Overview / Big picture
•       Short (informal) presentation of participating projects
•       Exchange, questions, walk-in topics…
The meeting will take place on Wednesday, 9 June 2021 15:00-17:00 (CEST).
Best regards

Harald Mackamul
Meeting-ID: 962 0986 1627
Code: 096033

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