Very cool news from Stefan Voget
Regards / Liebe Grüße, Ralph Mueller Director, Eclipse Foundation Mobile: +49 177 449 0460 Office: +49 6251 789545 ![EclipseCon 2013]()
Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht: Betreff: EATOP uploaded to Auto-IWG Eclipse Lab
Datum: 30. November 2012 12:03:55 MEZ Dear all,
I'm happy to announce, that we have
uploaded an initial version of the EATOP platform, i.e. the Eclipse platform
implementation of EAST-ADL based on Sphinx.
The uploaded sources include:
- Workspace-management
- EAST-ADL version 2.1.10 Meta-model implementation
- EAST-ADL schema conform XML serialization
(to be more precise: nearly conform as the actual published XSD contains
three errors that already have been discussed in the MAENAD consortium)
What next?
- Update site (upload this year)
- A demonstrator with an "exe"
(upload this year)
- Update of EA2Ecore transformator (upload
this year)
- Integration of a XSD generator into
the EA2Ecore transformator (upload planned for January)
- Documentation (step by step)
Open points for your possible contribution:
- example editors
- model validation framework
- ...
Where to find?
Many thanks to Stefan Babl who has implemented
this contribution.
Mit den besten Grüßen / Best regards,
Stefan Voget
Dr. Stefan Voget
Project Manager R&D
Continental Automotive GmbH
Automotive SW Technology, A S&T CDS TCS
Siemensstrasse 12, 93055 Regensburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 941 790-79906
Fax: +49 (0) 941 79013-79906
E-Mail: Stefan.Voget@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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