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[atf-dev] New Milestone 4 available with changes in how ATF is package.

The ATF team has been given approval to package XULRunner on eclipse. so we have repackaged the last milestone with a some fixes/enhancements and declared a new milestone (Milestone 4).  The biggest change is a changed in how ATF is package.

Packaging Changes

ATF All-In-Ones

The ATF All-In-One zip files provide an Web Development environment that includes the base Eclipse Platform runtime, Web Standard Tools, and ATF. Eclipse features which are not needed for Web Development such has JDT, J2EE, etc. have been removed. The builds also contain the ATF dependencies such as XULRunner and JavaXPCOM. Just download the version of ATF for your platform, unzip/untar the build into a directory, cd in to the eclipse directory and run eclipse. The intent of the All-In-One is to provide better experience for the Web Developer.  One of the complaints that the ATF team received was to that there were too many options unrelated to Web Development available in the Eclipse SDK with WTP. The team has also received comments that the large size of the Eclipse SDK with WTP download. We would like to hear comments from users on this smaller package intended for Web Developers.

The ATF team would like to thank the WTP and EMF teams which made changes that allowed this package to be built,

Unzip package

ATF is now providing the usual unzip packages that are typically provided by eclipse projects. Two unzip packages are being provided, one for WST and one for WTP (WST and JST). These packages include the ATF dependencies such as XULRunner and JavaXPCOM.

Site Archive Zip

The Archive Site zip file for installing ATF is still being provided. In the future this option may be removed. The ATF team would like to hear from the community as to whether we should continue building  the Site Archive Zip.


A new menu option to add JSDT support to an existing Project such as a PHP  Project. Just right click on the project and select "Web Development Tools>>Add _javascript_ Support". This will allow JSDT functionality for HTML and _javascript_ files in a PHP Project. JSDT functionality for _javascript_ in a PHP file will take additional changes. The ATF _javascript_ debugger and the PHP debugger also haven't been integrated.


Robert Goodman
IBM Emerging Technologies
512-838-8824    T.L. 678-8824

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