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Re: [aspectj-users] Are there conflicts using LTW and CTW in the same application?

I did just recreate this, I suspect one reason is hasn’t shown up before is because we don’t typically use annotation style aspects in test cases. If your aspect is annotation style and not code style you will see the aspectOf() issue.  I originally wrote mine as code style (the CTW aspect) - everything fine. The minute I switched it to annotation style, exactly the same problem as you.


On Jun 13, 2018, at 12:43 PM, Andy Clement <andrew.clement@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Let me try to interpret this from what I remember:

2018-06-12 10:21:52,079 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler'
2018-06-12 10:21:52,093 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] info processing reweavable type org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler: org\webapp.sso\keycloak\aspect\
2018-06-12 10:21:52,093 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] error aspect 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler' woven into 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler' must be defined to the weaver (placed
on the aspectpath, or defined in an aop.xml file if using LTW).

That suggests to me the weaver has encountered a type that might be a candidate for modification (ClientErrorExceptionHandler) - per ‘weaving XXX’ doesn’t mean XXX is being modified, it just means the weaver is looking at it (terrible message, needs improvement) - and since you have weave info on then if something about it matched a pointcut you’d see a weave info message.

Looking at the reweavable state is fine but maybe it isn’t currently smart enough to make the distinction that it doesn’t matter that the ClientErrorExceptionHandler isn’t on the aspect path because none of the new aspects are matching it - I honestly can’t recall how that situation is handled and would need to dig through the code. I’m surprised if that is the case, but it could be. The fact that there is an error is probably why the resultant system doesn’t work, once the error happens all bets are off.

What I’d try for experiments:
- stick ClientErrorExceptionHandler on the aspect path. This means it can be found by reweaving processing - is it all good now?
- include an exclude in the weaver XML for that ClientErrorExceptionHandler - if excluding it entirely is the reweavable state ignored?
- run with overweaving on - should avoid reweavable processing.

I’m not saying there isn’t a problem here just collecting more data points and looking at possible workarounds,


On Jun 12, 2018, at 8:42 AM, Eric B <ebenzacar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for the link Andy.  I read through the overweaving description, and I agree that it doesn't sound like it applies.

The aspect missing the aspectOf() is part of the CTW.  All Aspects are annotation based (@Aspect).  The LTW was built using ajc.  Without the CTW aspects, everything runs smoothly; all I have done was add in an additional jar with CTW aspect/classes.  The LTW still seems to be working, although I would have to do more in-depth tests to validate that they are still being triggered where they need to be.

My application is running under JBoss EAP 7/Wildfly 10, so I'm honestly not entirely sure if they are all using the same classloader.  Given that the CTW classes are in the ear/lib folder, as are the LTW aspects (both jars are found in ear/lib), I suspect that they both are in the same classloader, but I'm really not sure.  I know that WF has done a lot of work, separating classloaders by module (so that the different modules in an EAR each have different classloaders), but I suspect there must be a common one for all classes in the ear/lib folder.

All that being said, I enabled the aspectj dumper with the beforeandafter option:

<aspect name="" />
<aspect name="" />
<aspect name="" />
<aspect name="" />
<weaver options="-Xlint:ignore -verbose -showWeaveInfo -debug">
<dump within="org.webapp.sso..*" beforeandafter="true"/>

and interestingly enough, in the _before folder, I see the problematic Aspect class properly woven, but in the after class, it reappears in its original non-woven form.  As the LTW overweaver has reverted the class.  And even more interesting, I cannot seem to find the pointcut in my LTW aspects that would have picked out this class in the first place.  Most of my pointcuts are "execution" pointcuts pointing to completely different pkgs.  There are a couple of "call" pointcuts as well as one cflow(), but in all cases, none should be picking out this Aspect.

If I check the server.log file, I see the following being logged, which I don't particularly understand:
2018-06-12 10:21:51,708 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] info processing reweavable type org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.SessionAdministrationImpl: org\webapp.sso\keycloak\administration\
2018-06-12 10:21:51,711 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] error aspect 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler' woven into 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.SessionAdministrationImpl' must be defined to the weaver (p
laced on the aspectpath, or defined in an aop.xml file if using LTW).
2018-06-12 10:21:51,802 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.UserServiceImpl'
2018-06-12 10:21:51,834 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.SessionAdministration'
2018-06-12 10:21:51,861 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.AccountAdministrationImpl'
2018-06-12 10:21:51,877 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] info processing reweavable type org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.AccountAdministrationImpl: org\webapp.sso\keycloak\administration\
2018-06-12 10:21:51,877 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] error aspect 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler' woven into 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.AccountAdministrationImpl' must be defined to the weaver (p
laced on the aspectpath, or defined in an aop.xml file if using LTW).
2018-06-12 10:21:51,896 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.UserService'
2018-06-12 10:21:51,932 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.config.KeycloakConfigBean'
2018-06-12 10:21:51,968 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.keycloak.admin.client.Keycloak'
2018-06-12 10:21:51,973 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.keycloak.admin.client.resource.UserResource'
2018-06-12 10:21:51,975 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.AccountAdministration'
2018-06-12 10:21:52,011 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.UserService'
2018-06-12 10:21:52,026 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler'
2018-06-12 10:21:52,046 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] info processing reweavable type org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler: org\webapp.sso\keycloak\aspect\
2018-06-12 10:21:52,046 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] error aspect 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler' woven into 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler' must be defined to the weaver (placed
on the aspectpath, or defined in an aop.xml file if using LTW).
2018-06-12 10:21:52,079 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] debug weaving 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler'
2018-06-12 10:21:52,093 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] info processing reweavable type org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler: org\webapp.sso\keycloak\aspect\
2018-06-12 10:21:52,093 ERROR [stderr]   [ModuleClassLoader@2d758982] error aspect 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler' woven into 'org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler' must be defined to the weaver (placed
on the aspectpath, or defined in an aop.xml file if using LTW).

For some reason, the LTW thinks it should be weaving my ClientErrorExceptionHandler (the aspect) even though it isn't part of my aop.xml?  Is there a way to enable pointcut matching/debugging so I can see which pointcut is triggering the reweaving/rewriting of this @Aspect class?



On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 6:29 PM Andy Clement <andrew.clement@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
By default if you weave aspects on top of aspects then we use a model where we revert to the original class file before the first set of aspects was applied and apply all of them (the original aspects plus the new ones) at the same time to ensure consistency. This behavior is configurable using the overweaving option ( ). I'm not sure whether I suspect that though.

Is the aspect with the aspectOf() missing part of the CTW or the LTW?  Was the LTW library built with javac or ajc? Building annotation style aspects with javac can be done but it will mean they are 'unfinished' and don't have aspectOf/hasAspect - those will be added later when a weaver sees them.
Is everything loaded by the same class loader?  If you were LTWing some code but the aspects were loaded by a class loader not subject to weaving then this might happen. But then I know you are showing decompiled output that contains the missing methods.

I don't have an obvious answer but there are no known issues with mixing things up like this, really shouldn't be a race condition. You could turn on verbose output for LTW and see if the things you are expecting to get modified *are* modified.


On 11 June 2018 at 14:07, Eric B <ebenzacar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have a multi-module EAR application that is comprised of:
- EJB jar
- aspect library
- supporting libs

My AspectJ library is designed to be used as LTW; it has pointcuts targetting some of the 3rd party libs.

I have now created a new jar module in which I would like to use CTW.  I have configured by build properly, and can see that all my jars in my new module have been properly woven during the build process.  However, when I include the new lib in my ear, I get the following error message:

16:43:39,689 ERROR [io.undertow.request] (default task-35) UT005023: Exception handling request to /webapp/ java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler.aspectOf()Lorg/webapp/sso/keycloak/aspect/ClientErrorExceptionHandler;
        at org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.AccountAdministrationImpl.updateUserPassword(
        at org.webapp.sso.keycloak.administration.AccountAdministrationImpl$Proxy$_$$_WeldClientProxy.updateUserPassword(Unknown Source)

However, when I look at the decompiled code for ClientErrorExceptionHandler, I see it contains the aspectOf() method:

public class ClientErrorExceptionHandler
  public static ClientErrorExceptionHandler aspectOf()
    if (ajc$perSingletonInstance == null) {
      throw new NoAspectBoundException("org.webapp.sso.keycloak.aspect.ClientErrorExceptionHandler", ajc$initFailureCause);
    return ajc$perSingletonInstance;
  public static boolean hasAspect()
    return ajc$perSingletonInstance != null;

So I'm not sure what is happening.  Can this be some form of a race condition between the Load Time weaver and the Compile Time code?  My LTW aspects are in a completely different jar file, with their own aop.xml that have nothing to do with my current package.

I've also double checked that my new jar does not contain an aop.xml.

How can I further debug this issue? 



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