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[aspectj-users] How to get the enclosing class in a Pointcut


I have started to look into aspectj , now that I have a working dev environment in Eclipse 😊

I want to find which classes and methods  outside our application that calls to our application classes with public methods that has annotation @Deprecated.

I have created the following 'pointcut':

pointcut deprecatedMethods() : call(public * *.*(..)) && @withincode(Deprecated);
    before() : deprecatedMethods() {
      log("[Deprecated Method Usage]" +" --> "+ thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature().toShortString+"\n");


The above will give something like:

[Deprecated Method Usage] --> HandlerImpl.getBoards(..)

 I can see which classes' methods with @Deprecated gets called. But I cannot see  what the name of the enclosing class and method is, in this case Demo.test() ( see below).

  1. Is it possible to get this using aspectj?
  2. What would be the correct pointcut to use?



public class Demo extends Test{

    public void test() {
      Node node = new Node();
      Handler handler = node.getObjectHandler();
      //getBoards() is the deprecated method.
      Boards boards = handler.getBoards();



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