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Re: [aspectj-users] Configuring AspectJ aspects using Spring IoC with JavaConfig?

Try the "Aspects" class, I can't find the javadoc for it right now online but see this for Aspects14 ( that was the pre java5 form of the class. Those helper methods just call the real aspectOf() under the covers which should have been added via LTW by the time you make the invocation.


On 3 April 2014 21:16, Eric B <ebenzacar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is both a Spring and AspectJ question.  I'm having trouble configuring AspectJ aspects with Spring and JavaConfig.  According to Spring's Documentation ( in order to configure an aspect for Spring IOC, the following has to be added to the xml configuration:

    <bean id="profiler" class=""
      <property name="profilingStrategy" ref="jamonProfilingStrategy"/>

An equivalent in JavaConfig would be:

    public profiler() { profiler =;
        return profiler;

However, this only seems to work if the `Profiler` aspect is written in native aspectj `.aj` syntax.  If it is written in Java and annotated with `@Aspect`, I get the following error message:

    The method aspectOf() is undefined for the type Profiler

Is there an equivalent way of writing this using JavaConfig for aspects written with @AspectJ syntax?

I suspect that there is some conflict between the java compiler and ajc where it is not seeing the properly compiled version of the aspect.  But I have checked the .class file for the aspect and see that the `aspectOf` method is indeed present.

Any ideas what this is happening with the @AspectJ coding style?



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