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Re: [aspectj-users] Debugging in eclipse

Yes, that will do it, in those settings.  AspectJ doesn't always inline - sometimes the target code to be woven isn't amenable and so closure classes are generated. -XnoInline and the option you found are just forcing the closure route.


On 3 December 2013 15:07, Anthony Mayfield <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks Andy,


That's correct it's an around advice, this must have been when it skipped from working as expected as I initially started with a before advice but needed to change.  Where is it that I would put this argument?  There's some properties for AspectJ Compiler through eclipse with 'Possible optimisations' -> 'No inline' which I assume will do the same thing?


All the best,




From: aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Andy Clement
Sent: 03 December 2013 22:24
To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [aspectj-users] Debugging in eclipse


Hi Anthony,


It is certainly true that you can get into trouble debugging due to the lack of SMAP support in AspectJ. This comes into play when advice from an aspect is inlined into a class as part of the weaving process. SMAP support would enable us to specify that the line numbers in a classfile actually refer to multiple different source files. Without it the debugger will think all the line numbers come from the same file (the source for the class being woven) and so it could jump to unexpected places. This should only affect around advice (is that the advice you are having problems with)?  To alleviate this you could turn off advice inlining whilst debugging with -XnoInline, I think.




On 3 December 2013 08:06, Anthony Mayfield <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



I'm having an issue using AspectJ in eclipse at the moment.  When the project was quite simple the debug points were stopping inside the Aspect whereas now they aren't.  Also when I go into a method that is wrapped it will show the debug point on a random line in the target class (I assume this is because it's on the injected code).  I have AJDT and the m2e configurator installed, from online it seems that this should enable the debugging to work as expected, has anyone else experienced this?


All the best,



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