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Re: [aspectj-users] Out of memory error with AspectJ

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:15 AM, Andy Clement <andrew.clement@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There may be higher memory requirements when weaving aspects in

Yes, I guess so (increasing heap size works)
- how much heap are you giving it? 512m? 768m? (I think the defaults are quite low). Certainly there should be a problem when using a sparsely applicable aspect. It might be worth trying with a 1.7.X release.

Will check out some 1.7.x release.


On 3 June 2013 14:17, rohit sharma <rsedwardian@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here is the BaseDAOImpl file
public class BaseDAOImpl<T, ID extends Serializable> extends GeneralDAOImpl {
    public <T> T save(T entity) {
  ... other methods

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 11:05 PM, rohit sharma <rsedwardian@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here's is the only pointcut that is defined.

@Pointcut("execution(* mypackage.dao.BaseDAOImpl.persist(..)) || " +
            "execution(* || " +
            "execution(* mypackage.dao.BaseDAOImpl.removeById(..))")
    public void commitTransaction() {}

    public Object commitTransaction(ProceedingJoinPoint thisJoinPoint) {
        // some code regarding logging and startingTransactions

And this DAO object (using persist, save, removeById) is used only sparsely. The package is included just as a simple dependency in pom.xml.


On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 10:49 PM, Alexander Kriegisch <Alexander@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The memory consumption does not correlate to the number of aspects quite as strongly as to the pointcuts you use and how broadly they are applied to your code. So as not to make this issue a quiz you might want to share some code.

Kind regards
Alexander Kriegisch

Am 03.06.2013 um 18:29 schrieb rohit sharma <rsedwardian@xxxxxxxxx>:

I have a project which uses mvn plugin for AspectJ to do Compile time weaving. This project does not have many aspects, however when I include this project as a mvn dependency on a webapp (tomcat container) it gives

    AspectJ 1.6.11 ran out of memory during compilation:

The same project works fine if included in any other project (not a web-app) as a mvn dependency. Any ideas as to what is causing this error?

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