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Re: [aspectj-users] using static fields in an advice

If you encapsulated all your logging in the aspect (and so didn't need to access it from outside the aspect), you could use a pertypewithin aspect which creates an aspect instance per woven class.

Any instance based state in your aspect is then effectively per-type. 

public aspect LoggingAspect    pertypewithin(*)              // per-type association
{    Logger logger;

    after() : staticinitialization(*) {    // run 1x after class-loading
        logger = Logger.getLogger(
            getWithinTypeName()            // type associated with aspect instance

    pointcut logged() :                    // what to log, e.g. public methods
        execution(public * *(..));         // (pointcut could also be abstract
                                           // and refined in sub-aspects)

    before() : logged() {
        logger.log(...);                   // logging action

>Is it really necessary if AspectJ used for compile time weaving and not used any of the classes or methods within the advices, to have the aspectj-library within your program?

I answered this in stackoverflow the other day. Yes, it is necessary. The small runtime not only contains stuff to support thisJoinPoint/etc but also internally used classes for handling pointcuts like cflow and exceptions like 'NoSuchAspectException' that may occur. It would be possibly to generate all this stuff during a build, leaving you no dependencies on an aspectj runtime but not enough people have requested it to justify the effort.



On 12 February 2013 08:02, Kempff, Malte <Malte.Kempff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

So I cannot use any static fields of the classes, unless they are officially in common like using ITD, is that right?

ITD would be theoretically fine, but  I already use the static logger field so I need probably care about the name, right?

Well just as question. Is it really necessary if AspectJ used for compile time weaving and not used any of the classes or methods within the advices, to have the aspectj-library within your program?





Von: aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Alexander Kriegisch
Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013 16:49

An: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: [aspectj-users] using static fields in an advice


As Matthew said, you could use reflection, but the factory method Logger.getLogger is probably faster and will return the very same Logger instance as the one stored in your static field.

As for the AspectJ runtime, you need it at runtime, thus the name.

Alexander Kriegisch


all I would like to know if it is possible to user a calls field (static field in an advice and how does it look like.

Could be that I did not understand something. But I thought when using AspectJ to compile time the enriched program could be run without aspectj-library under certain circumstances.

But this is just another addon-question. Using a static field in an advice could be worthy in also not logging-circumstances, couldn’t it?

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