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Re: [aspectj-users] JPA and annotated field of entity

After closer examination it looks that this only happen, if the parent
class is annotated with javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass ...

If I use a class that is a simple entity things work as expected.

Am Donnerstag, den 10.05.2012, 11:15 +0200 schrieb Arne Ploese:
> Hi,
> I have annotated fields of an entity to track the change of that
> property.
> If I run this plain with loadtime weaving the pointcut fires.
> [code]
>     @Pointcut("set(@AuditableProperty * *.*)")
>     public void setter() {};
> [/code]
> Adding JPA (Eclipselink), setting fields in classes that are database
> entities, the pointcut does not fire anymore.
> Any hints whats going on?
> Arne
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