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Re: [aspectj-users] FieldSignatureImpl.getField returns null

Sounds like an AspectJ issue but I'd need to investigate more to
confirm.  If you can create a tiny example app that shows the problem,
I can take a deeper look - please raise a bugzilla to track it.


On 7 January 2012 12:55, Jean-Pierre Bergamin <jpbergamin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello
> I'm facing a strange issue. FieldSignatureImpl.getField returns null - and I
> don't know why.
> I set a breakpoint in line 58 of that states:
>   field = getDeclaringType().getDeclaredField(getName());
> I can see in the debugger, that the "name" member of FieldSignatureImpl is
> set correctly to the name of the field I'm requesting. When I now step into
> the getDeclaredField() method, the passed string that is returned from
> getName() is null *or* sometimes set to the name of the class of
> the FieldSignatureImpl.declaredType member. This is quite strange, isn't it?
> A sample application that shows this can be found
> here:
> The addFriend() test in fails with a NullPointerException,
> because the returned field is null.
> Is this a bug in AspectJ or an error in my aspect declaration. Any ideas?
> Best regards,
> James
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