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[aspectj-users] AspectJ 1.6.9rc1 is out


AspectJ 1.6.9rc1 is available for download (actually it has been for a
few days).

You can grab it here:

The readme describes in more detail the changes in 1.6.9:

Changes include:
- support for 'optional aspects'
- declare annotation supports compound signature patterns
- intertype declaration of member types
- reduction in class file sizes

Depending on feedback the final version will be out in a few days.

This version of AspectJ is already in the AJDT builds for 3.5 and 3.6.

If you want to grab AspectJ from a maven repo it is the current
1.6.9.BUILD-SNAPSHOT here:

    <name>SpringSource snapshots</name>

or the current milestone 1.6.9.RC1 here:

    <name>SpringSource snapshots</name>

AspectJ team

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