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Re: [aspectj-users] staticinitialization and target class

Unfortunately app server doesn't load the class unless a request involved that service, and I can't load it using Class.forName() because I don't know which class to load!

finally, I end up with a xml file in which listeners have to be declared and it works fine but I was thinking if I can get result of a pointcut and apply an advice into another pointcut. In other words, consider we have a pointcut say 'findObservers(Class clazz)' and another pointcut say 'findRegistrator(Class clazz)' now at compile-time which is AspectJ applying advices I can loop through findObservers() and place call 'addListener(Class)' method of 'ListenerRegistry'

is this possible with AspectJ?


On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Simone Gianni <simoneg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Mohammad,
Class.forName simply load the "class", does not create an instance, so it should be not a problem for whatever component management system you are using. I don't know if in an EJB system there are classloader issues and of which type.

I don't know that much about EJBs, but if the container is actually loading it (creating a singleton) then it should execute. Can you place in the class a :

static {
  YouPreferredLoggingSystemHere.log("I've been loaded");

If that string appears, then the class is loaded, and your advice should execute, and your class be added to the map, and all the rest. If that string does not appear, then the container is not loading it.


2010/4/28 Mohammad Norouzi <mnrz57@xxxxxxxxx>

I am using maven2 and AspectJ plugin. May be your scenario is better, you mean I register them and then somewhere else at runtime process them to create a map of events and related classes.

On 4/28/10, Andy Clement <andrew.clement@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
no error - so did your advice actually apply? Were there any markers
in eclipse or weavinfo messages (if you built on the command line, Ant
or load time weaving)?
I suggested registering by name so you could drive the load of the
class outside of the bean in your registration handling mechanism.


On 28 April 2010 10:44, Mohammad Norouzi <mnrz57@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> No Andy there is no error, actually the list of registered classes are
> empty... it means no class has been registered itself. I need its Class
> object because I want to read the @Observer(events = "SOME_EVENT") so I can
> extract which events is binded to which classes (Session bean) and then I
> can look them up when an event has been fired
> On 4/28/10, Andy Clement <andrew.clement@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Although AspectJ tries to create code that decompiles cleanly, there
>> are some situations where it does not.  The code is fine (otherwise
>> you'd get a verifyerror), it is just the decompiler that cannot cope -
>> I don't use them, I just read the bytecode :)  Decompilers usually
>> match on patterns and if you stray from a common pattern produced by
>> javac, the decompiler will not understand.
>> You still didn't mention how it fails....  do you get an error or is
>> it just not running the advice?
>> You could register the type by name rather than class reference if
>> that makes any difference...
>> Andy
>> On 28 April 2010 10:14, Mohammad Norouzi <mnrz57@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > Thank you Simone and Andy
>> > Both pointcut and advice are exactly the same you suggested, at first I
>> > thought there is a problem in advice which makes static block so, and
>> > yes I
>> > am using JD to decompile the code and as you found perhaps that
>> > //ERROR// is
>> > decompiler issue, if it is so, then my static block doesn't work...
>> >
>> > Well... As I understand you mean that if I load the class manually say
>> > using
>> > Class.forName() it will be ok however I will give it a try tomorrow but
>> > I
>> > think there are some issues.... first, this class is a EJB session bean
>> > and
>> > since it is a managed object by app server I am not sure if I can load
>> > it
>> > manually second... at deploy time, app server will load it, isn't that
>> > enough?
>> >
>> > thank you for spending your time
>> >
>> > On 4/28/10, Simone Gianni <simoneg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi Mohammad,
>> >> I've found this page : , it
>> >> seems that JD produces the raw bytecode commented when it is not able
>> >> to
>> >> decompile it properly, which means that it is JD giving the error, not
>> >> the
>> >> code itself in error. I haven't been using JD lately, so I can't
>> >> remember
>> >> how to configure it properly, but the bytecode seems correct, so the
>> >> problem
>> >> must be somewhere else.
>> >> Simone
>> >>
>> >> 2010/4/28 Simone Gianni <simoneg@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi Mohammad,
>> >>> mmm ... the decompiled bytecode seems correct : it creates a joinpoint
>> >>> static part, then executes the previous static initializer (which is
>> >>> empty),
>> >>> and then calls the after advice both when an exception is raised and
>> >>> when no
>> >>> exception is raised.
>> >>> Bytecode, AFAIK, cannot be commented out, is that the output of javap,
>> >>> dj
>> >>> or which other tool?
>> >>> Obviously, static initializer is executed only when the class is
>> >>> loaded
>> >>> for the first time in the JVM, if it is not loaded it will not be
>> >>> called and
>> >>> the class not be registered. Java lacks a serious "service discovery"
>> >>> system, cause for backward compatibility with applets classloaders
>> >>> does not
>> >>> have a method for "listing" the classpath, not to mention to list
>> >>> which
>> >>> classes are annotated with a specific annotations. Apt is the tool
>> >>> that can
>> >>> ease this pain, creating a text file from classes annotated with a
>> >>> specific
>> >>> annotation, but unfortunately it works at compile time, not at
>> >>> runtime,
>> >>> that's why there is still the need for files like persistence.xml in
>> >>> JPA and
>> >>> web.xml in jars.
>> >>> To make a long story short, as Andy did in his code, somewhere you
>> >>> must
>> >>> still call "new ClassUnderObservation()" or at least
>> >>> Class.forName("") or access a static
>> >>> field or
>> >>> method of that class to get it loaded by the jvm, otherwise no static
>> >>> init,
>> >>> no registration in the aspect.
>> >>> Simone
>> >>>
>> >>> 2010/4/28 Andy Clement <andrew.clement@xxxxxxxxx>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> You didn't mention how it fails??  Here is Simones code in a real
>> >>>> program, appears to work.  What is different about your code or that
>> >>>> particular type?  Perhaps narrow your pointcut to a specific type to
>> >>>> test the registration logic is working before expanding it to cover
>> >>>> more types?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> === A.aj ===
>> >>>> package;
>> >>>>
>> >>>> import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
>> >>>> import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
>> >>>> import java.util.*;
>> >>>>
>> >>>> import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.InitializerSignature;
>> >>>>
>> >>>> @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
>> >>>> @interface Observer {}
>> >>>>
>> >>>> aspect A {
>> >>>>        public static void main(String[] args) {
>> >>>>                new C();new D(); new E();
>> >>>>        }
>> >>>>
>> >>>>   static List<Class> registry = new ArrayList<Class>();
>> >>>>
>> >>>>   pointcut observerKlasses(): staticinitialization(@Observer com..*);
>> >>>>
>> >>>>        after(): observerKlasses() {
>> >>>>            InitializerSignature initsig =
>> >>>> (InitializerSignature)thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature();
>> >>>>            Class klass = initsig.getDeclaringType();
>> >>>>            registry.add(klass);
>> >>>>            System.out.println("Registering "+klass);
>> >>>>        }
>> >>>>
>> >>>> }
>> >>>>
>> >>>> @Observer
>> >>>> class C {}
>> >>>>
>> >>>> class D{}
>> >>>>
>> >>>> @Observer
>> >>>> class E {}
>> >>>> ===
>> >>>> ajc A.aj
>> >>>> java A
>> >>>> Registering class
>> >>>> Registering class
>> >>>>
>> >>>> cheers,
>> >>>> Andy
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On 28 April 2010 00:30, Mohammad Norouzi <mnrz57@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >>>> > Hi Simone,
>> >>>> > Thanks... I did what you said but there is a problem. During the
>> >>>> > compile
>> >>>> > there is no error but it seems the static block doesn't work. I
>> >>>> > tried
>> >>>> > to
>> >>>> > decompile the target class to see what changes AspectJ has applied
>> >>>> > and
>> >>>> > I can
>> >>>> > see a static block has been created but it is commented as follow:
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >   // ERROR //
>> >>>> >   static
>> >>>> >   {
>> >>>> >     // Byte code:
>> >>>> >     //   0: new 87    org/aspectj/runtime/reflect/Factory
>> >>>> >     //   3: dup
>> >>>> >     //   4: ldc 88
>> >>>> >     //   6: ldc 90
>> >>>> >     //   8: invokestatic 96    java/lang/Class:forName
>> >>>> > (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
>> >>>> >     //   11: invokespecial 99
>> >>>> > org/aspectj/runtime/reflect/Factory:<init>
>> >>>> > (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)V
>> >>>> >     //   14: astore_0
>> >>>> >     //   15: aload_0
>> >>>> >     //   16: ldc 101
>> >>>> >     //   18: aload_0
>> >>>> >     //   19: ldc 103
>> >>>> >     //   21: ldc 90
>> >>>> >     //   23: invokevirtual 107
>> >>>> > org/aspectj/runtime/reflect/Factory:makeInitializerSig
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/aspectj/lang/reflect/InitializerSignature;
>> >>>> >     //   26: iconst_0
>> >>>> >     //   27: invokevirtual 111
>> >>>> > org/aspectj/runtime/reflect/Factory:makeSJP
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > (Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/aspectj/lang/Signature;I)Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$StaticPart;
>> >>>> >     //   30: putstatic 79    com/foo/listener/MyListener1:ajc$tjp_0
>> >>>> > Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$StaticPart;
>> >>>> >     //   33: goto +28 -> 61
>> >>>> >     //   36: astore_0
>> >>>> >     //   37: aload_0
>> >>>> >     //   38: instanceof 71
>> >>>> >     //   41: ifeq +8 -> 49
>> >>>> >     //   44: aload_0
>> >>>> >     //   45: checkcast 71    java/lang/ExceptionInInitializerError
>> >>>> >     //   48: athrow
>> >>>> >     //   49: nop
>> >>>> >     //   50: invokestatic 77
>> >>>> > com/foo/aspect/EventDispatcherAspect:aspectOf
>> >>>> > ()Lcom/foo/aspect/EventDispatcherAspect;
>> >>>> >     //   53: getstatic 79    com/foo/listener/MyListener1:ajc$tjp_0
>> >>>> > Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$StaticPart;
>> >>>> >     //   56: invokevirtual 83
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > com/foo/aspect/EventDispatcherAspect:ajc$after$com_foo_aspect_EventDispatcherAspect$1$5b3bc9fd
>> >>>> > (Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$StaticPart;)V
>> >>>> >     //   59: aload_0
>> >>>> >     //   60: athrow
>> >>>> >     //   61: invokestatic 77
>> >>>> > com/foo/aspect/EventDispatcherAspect:aspectOf
>> >>>> > ()Lcom/foo/aspect/EventDispatcherAspect;
>> >>>> >     //   64: getstatic 79    com/foo/listener/MyListener1:ajc$tjp_0
>> >>>> > Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$StaticPart;
>> >>>> >     //   67: invokevirtual 83
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > com/foo/aspect/EventDispatcherAspect:ajc$after$com_foo_aspect_EventDispatcherAspect$1$5b3bc9fd
>> >>>> > (Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$StaticPart;)V
>> >>>> >     //   70: return
>> >>>> >     //
>> >>>> >     // Exception table:
>> >>>> >     //   from    to    target    type
>> >>>> >     //   33    36    36    java/lang/Throwable
>> >>>> >   }
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > Regards,
>> >>>> > Mohammad
>> >>>> > --------------------------
>> >>>> > Sun Certified Web Developer
>> >>>> > ExpertsExchange Certified, Master:
>> >>>> >
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>> >>>> >
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>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Simone Gianni <simoneg@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> >>>> > wrote:
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >> Hi Mohammad,
>> >>>> >> staticinitialization has no target object because when a class is
>> >>>> >> initialized there is no instance yet. Probably you can obtain the
>> >>>> >> class and
>> >>>> >> other informations using ThisJoinPointStaticPart inside your
>> >>>> >> advice.
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >>     pointcut observerMethods():
>> >>>> >>         staticinitialization(@Observer com..*);
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >>    after(): observerMethods() {
>> >>>> >>         InitializerSignature initsig =
>> >>>> >> (InitializerSignature)ThisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature();
>> >>>> >>         Class klass = initsig.getDeclaringType();
>> >>>> >>         // adding 'klass' into Registry
>> >>>> >>    }
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >> See
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >> for
>> >>>> >> more info.
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >> Simone
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >> 2010/4/27 Mohammad Norouzi <mnrz57@xxxxxxxxx>
>> >>>> >>>
>> >>>> >>> Hello
>> >>>> >>> I want to register those classes annotated with @Observer in a
>> >>>> >>> Registry
>> >>>> >>> class... I want this occurs in a static block of such classes:
>> >>>> >>>
>> >>>> >>>     pointcut observerMethods(Class klass):
>> >>>> >>>         staticinitialization(@Observer com..*)
>> >>>> >>>         && target(klass);
>> >>>> >>>
>> >>>> >>>    after(Class klass): observerMethods(klass) {
>> >>>> >>>         // adding 'klass' into Registry
>> >>>> >>>
>> >>>> >>>    }
>> >>>> >>>
>> >>>> >>> but as I read in manual it is said staticinitialization has no
>> >>>> >>> target
>> >>>> >>> object... is this right? if yes, how can I obtain the Class of
>> >>>> >>> those
>> >>>> >>> classes. Can I declare a static-block for matching classes?
>> >>>> >>>
>> >>>> >>> thanks
>> >>>> >>>
>> >>>> >>> Regards,
>> >>>> >>> Mohammad
>> >>>> >>> --------------------------
>> >>>> >>> Sun Certified Web Developer
>> >>>> >>> Have a look at some pictures @
>> >>>> >>>
>> >>>> >>>
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>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Regards,
>> > Mohammad
>> > --------------------------
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> --
> Regards,
> Mohammad
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