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[aspectj-users] Is it possible to mix Spring AOP (@Aspect) with AspectJ LTW?


We use Spring AOP extensively in our multi-module Spring project, both with Spring's @Transactional and some custom aspects.

I've made an attempt to convert it to LTW, but skipped that because of the numer of ways we launch our adviced code; right-click any individual JUnit test inside Eclipse, right-click any individual JUnit test inside IntelliJ, mvn test for mvn jetty:run for 5 different webapps, mvn tomcat:run for 5 different webapps and start scripts for 5 different webapps in a number of different test, stage and production environments.
Did I hear snowball?

The original reason that I wanted to enable LTW is that I want to advice object initialization (in addition to execution() which is the only kind Spring AOP supports).

My aspect should collect runtime data about what classes that a) has been initialized and b) has actually been used in production.
The output should be a data file that should be used by a Maven plugin for detecting truly dead Java code and JSPs.

I have planned to let this dead-code aspect run for one month, and later use the collected data for deleting code in the next sprint.

Now to the question:

Is it possible to mix Spring's <aop:aspectj-autoproxy/> and @Aspect-style aspects with LTW and a separately compiled aspect jar produced with CTW?

Olle Hallin
Senior Java Developer and Architect

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