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Re: [aspectj-users] pointcut for any method of any type except those of anonymous inner classes

it works nicely!
thank you very much, I really appreciate it :)

On 19. 3. 2010 16:57, Andy Clement wrote:
One more question. I'm still quiet new in aspectj, so please don't blame me,
if it doesn't make a sense.
Would it be possible to have joinpoint for access to critical section? I
mean to synchronized block or to synchronized method?
Yes it would be possible and AspectJ supports it.  It is the
lock()/unlock() pointcuts which are activated when you turn on the
-Xjoinpoints:synchronization option to the compiler.

It is discussed here:

Simple sample:

before(Useful2 o ): lock() && args(o) {
		activeTimer = System.currentTimeMillis();
		currentObject = o;
after(Useful2 o ): unlock() && args(o) {
		if (o!=currentObject) {
			throw new RuntimeException("Unlocking on incorrect thing?!?");
		if (activeTimer!=0) {

On the topic of anonymous types I've just committed a small extension
similar to hasmethod/hasfield type patterns.  It enables you to check
the category of the type.  It is called is(...) and you may specify:
 Your example would become:

execution(* *(..)) && !within(is(AnonymousType))

or you could use it in an execution pointcut:

execution(* (!is(AnonymousType) &&*).*(..))

this will be in todays dev build.


On 19 March 2010 04:58, Peter Kvokacka <kvokacka@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you for your response.

!within(anonymous *) was exactly what I was looking for. It's a pity that
it's not yet supported.
I looked at link you sent. I think it would be really great if things
mentioned there will be supported in one of future releases.

I am writing pertype aspect that I will be able to turn on/off by setting
boolean property. It will never do anything with anonymous classes. So
thanks for the workaround, but because it uses runtime check, it's easier
for me to check just that boolean property. At least that's a plan, I hadn't
time to give it try yet :).


On 18. 3. 2010 17:52, Andy Clement wrote:

What I expect you are looking for is something like

pointcut all(): execution(* *.*(..)) && !within(anonymous *);

But that isn't supported - see discussion in comment 2, which
would allow interface/class/aspect/anonymous/inner.

That bug also discusses the options "within(isAnonymous())" and
"within(@AnonymousType *)".

This example below will work for you, but isn't super optimal due to
the runtime check:

public aspect Demo {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new Foo().foo();
	before(): execution(* *(..)) &&
		System.out.println("advised "+thisJoinPoint);

class Foo {
	Runnable r = new Runnable() {
		public void run() {
	class Bar {
		public void bar() {}
	public void foo() {
		new Bar().bar();;

I am rev'ing the bytecode format for 1.6.9 so this would be a good
time to put something like the changes discussed in that bug into AJ,
if we can agree on the best syntax.


2010/3/17 Peter Kvokacka <kvokacka@xxxxxxxxx>:

Hello guys

I'm struggling with writing pointcut in aspectj for any method of any type
except those of anonymous inner classes.

Does anybody know what should I add to
    pointcut all() : execution(* *.*(..))
if I want to exclude methods of anonymous inner classes?

I can't google it out. I found only this

Adrian Colyer 2005-11-04 08:15:01 EST

I've just commited the fix for this and it will be available in the next
published build. Anonymous types are
now only matched by the name pattern "*" - any other pattern fails to match
since anonymous types are
treated as having no name.

so I tried:
    pointcut all() : execution(* *.*(..)) && !within(*.*)

which surprisingly works but only for types that are in same package as
aspect is.


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