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[aspectj-users] Latest dev builds of AspectJ and AJDT (eclipse 3.5) - please try them!

The latest dev build of AspectJ is what I could call a candidate 1.6.7
release, it is included in the latest AJDT (for eclipse 3.5).  There
are some more minor fixes I am likely to put in but all the serious
changes are complete.

The AspectJ build is available here:
The latest AJDT builds are at the usual dev update site:

AspectJ 1.6.7 includes some serious changes - the matching process has
been overhauled to speed it up (
) and the loadtime weaving support has been overhauled to optimize how
aop.xml files are processed, which should in turn reduce the amount of
memory consumed by aspectj entities in a running system.

All these changes pass the AspectJ test suite but please try them out
if you can, to confirm I haven't regressed anything you are relying
on.  For those of you twiddling settings in your aop.xml (like
typedemotion), my aim for 1.6.7 is you can run with the defaults and
get the best behaviour.  For this reason, type demotion has been
turned ON by default in the latest builds.

There is also an important performance improvement for annotation
binding, so if you are doing that in your aspects I urge you to test
it out (eg. before(SomeAnno a): execution(* *(..)) && @annotation(a)

The readme for 1.6.7 will include more details on the changes and
actual numbers showing the differences, but to give you an idea I'm
attaching (hopefully it will come through) a picture showing 10
iterations of starting tomcat with LTW applying a number of aspects
(including spring-aspects) to a small web application.  For each
iteration it shows the time taken to start in milliseconds for 1.6.1
through to 1.6.7 of AspectJ.

Please raise any issues at:


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