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Re: [aspectj-users] FW: NoSuchMethodError: aspectOf()

Hi Roger,

There are three paths to think about with AspectJ:

classpath: for resolving references found in any of the code the
compiler/weaver are processing.  This path is not searched for
aspects, and the contents of it are not woven and not copied to the
output folder.
inpath: input .class files for weaving.  Contents of this path *are*
woven and *are* copied to the output folder, it is also searched for
aspectpath: input aspect .class files for weaving. Contents of this
path are not woven and are not copied to the output folder, but it is
searched for aspects.

Your annotation style aspect is compiled by javac and then passed in
via aspectpath.  Unfortunately as I have written above, the contents
of aspect path are not woven - so your aspect is never 'finished off'.

You have a few options:
1) compile the aspect with iajc rather than javac.
2) after compiling with javac, add a step to pass it through iajc to
finish it off.
3) pass it on inpath to your existing iajc call.

Each has pros/cons.  (1) you may have written the aspect using
annotations in the first place to avoid using iajc initially. (2) adds
extra compile step to your process. (3) the woven aspect will go into
the output folder.  So the aspect class files will be 'mixed up' with
your woven application.


2009/10/31 Roger Huang <rhuang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi Andy,
> Thank you very much for looking at my problem.
> Yes I included the aspect in my call to iajc.
> Below is a portion of my build.xml (target Pdm.war) and the output of “ant
> Pdm.war”.
> is my aspect expressed in @AspectJ notation.
>             <target name="Pdm.war" depends="prepare">
>                         <!-- compile core concern classes -->
>                         <javac
>                                     srcdir   ="${}/src"
>                                     destdir ="${}/java/classes">
>                                     <classpath>
>                                                 <fileset dir="${}/lib"
> includes="*.jar"/>
>                                                 <fileset
> dir="${}/lib/crystal">
>                                                             <include
> name="CrystalCommon2.jar"/>
>                                                             <include
> name="CrystalReportsRuntime.jar"/>
>                                                 </fileset>
>                                                 <fileset
> file="${}/servlet.jar"/>
>                                     </classpath>
>                         </javac>
>                         <!-- jar the core concern classes -->
>                         <jar
>                                     basedir
> ="${}/java/classes"
> destfile="${}/java/DMCoreConcerns.jar"
>                         />
>                         <!-- compile the aspect classes -->
>                         <javac
>                                     srcdir
> ="${}/src-aspects-aspectj"
>                                     destdir ="${}/aspects/classes/"
>                                     debug  ="true"
>                                     <classpath>
>                                                 <fileset dir="${log4j.dir}">
>                                                             <include
> name="log4j-1.2.8.jar"/>
>                                                 </fileset>
>                                                 <pathelement
> location="${}/java/DMCoreConcerns.jar"/>
>                                     </classpath>
>                         </javac>
>                         <!-- jar the aspect classes -->
>                         <jar
>                                     basedir
> ="${}/aspects/classes"
> destfile="${}/aspects/DMAspects.jar"
>                         />
>                         <!-- Weave the core concern classes with the aspects
> -->
>                         <aspectj:iajc
>                                     inpath
> ="${}/java/classes"
>                                     aspectPath
> ="${}/aspects/DMAspects.jar"
>                                     destDir
> ="${}/WEB-INF/classes"
>                                     classpath
> ="${aspectj.lib.dir}/aspectjrt.jar"
>                                     source             ="1.5"
>                                     XlintFile
> ="${}/"
>                                     verbose           ="true"
>                                     showWeaveInfo="true"
>                         />
>                         <!-- Create the war -->
>                         <jar jarfile="${dir.dist}/PdmWar/Pdm.war">
>                                     <fileset
> dir="${}/WebFiles"/>
>                                     <zipfileset dir="${}/lib"
> prefix="WEB-INF/lib">
>                                                 <include name="*.jar"/>
>                                                 <include name="*.zip"/>
>                                                 <exclude name="sapjco.*"/>
>                                     </zipfileset>
>                                     <zipfileset
> dir="${}/lib/crystal"            prefix="WEB-INF/lib"/>
>                                     <zipfileset dir="${}/config"
>                  prefix="WEB-INF/classes"/>
>                                     <zipfileset dir="${dir.mappingFiles}"
> prefix="WEB-INF/classes">
>                                                 <patternset
> refid="bundledMappingFiles"/>
>                                                 <include name="DST*.xsd"/>
>                                     </zipfileset>
>                                     <zipfileset dir="${}/PropertyFile"
> prefix="WEB-INF/classes"/>
>                                     <zipfileset dir="${}/src"
>                        prefix="WEB-INF/classes" includes="**/*.properties"/>
>                                     <fileset            dir="${}"
>                                 includes="WEB-INF/"/>
>                                     <fileset
> dir="${}/aspects"       includes="DMAspects.jar"/>
>                                     <zipfileset
> dir="${}/aspects/classes" prefix="WEB-INF/classes"/>
>                         </jar>
>             </target>
> Buildfile: build.xml
>      [echo] Release build for Windows XP.
> init:
> prepare:
> Pdm.war:
> [aspectj:iajc] ajc [-d, C:\DataManager\Trunk\build\WEB-INF\classes, -source,
> 1.5, -Xlintfile, C:\DataManager\Trunk\build\, -verbose,
> -showWeaveInfo, -classpath, C:\Program Files\aspectj1.6\lib\aspectjrt.jar,
> -aspectpath, C:\DataManager\Trunk\build\aspects\DMAspects.jar, -inpath,
> C:\DataManager\Trunk\build\java\classes]
> [aspectj:iajc] info directory classpath entry does not exist: C:\Program
> Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_20\jre\lib\i18n.jar
> [aspectj:iajc] info directory classpath entry does not exist: C:\Program
> Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_20\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar
> [aspectj:iajc] info zipfile classpath entry does not exist: C:\Program
> Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_20\jre\classes
> [aspectj:iajc] info Pipelining compilation
> [aspectj:iajc] info weaver operating in reweavable mode.  Need to verify any
> required types exist.
> …
> [aspectj:iajc] weaveinfo Join point
> 'method-call(
>' in Type
> '' (no debug info available) advised by
> before advice from '' (DMAspects.jar!Login.class(from
> [aspectj:iajc] weaveinfo Join point
> 'method-call(
>' in Type
> '' (no debug info available) advised by
> after advice from '' (DMAspects.jar!Login.class(from
> [aspectj:iajc] weaveinfo Join point
> 'method-call(
>' in Type
> '' (no debug info available) advised by
> afterThrowing advice from ''
> (DMAspects.jar!Login.class(from
> [aspectj:iajc] info woven class (from
> C:\DataManager\Trunk\build\java\classes\com\foo\athens\action\LoginAction.class)
> …
> [aspectj:iajc] info Compiler took 3813ms
> [jar] Building jar: C:\DataManager\Trunk\Install\DataManager\PdmWar\Pdm.war
> Total time: 9 seconds
> Thanks,
> Roger Huang
> -----Original Message-----
> From: aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Andy Clement
> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 5:32 PM
> To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [aspectj-users] FW: NoSuchMethodError: aspectOf()
> Hi Roger,
> Are you definetly including the aspect itself in the call to iajc?
> Annotation style aspects (when @Pointcut/etc are used) can be compiled
> with javac, but they must be given to the weaver at some point in
> order for the missing methods to be added - for example 'aspectOf()'.
> cheers,
> Andy
> 2009/10/30 Roger Huang <rhuang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Any ideas why I am get the NoSuchMethodError below?
>> The method specified by the pointcut is in
>> The aspect is defined in   (see below)
>> My code which is being advised does not call the aspect’s aspectOf()
>> method.
>> I use build-time bytecode weaving using the ant <iajc> task.
>> The app is a Struts-based web app.
>> Dev environment:
>> Java 1.5
>> Ant 1.7.1
>> AspectJ 1.6.6
>> Thanks,
>> Roger
>> javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception
>>         com.hyperformix.athens.filter.AthensLoginFilter.doFilter(Unknown
>> Source)
>> root cause
>> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
>> Source)
>> org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
>> org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
>> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
>> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
>>         javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>>         javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>> Source)
>> @Aspect
>> public class Login {
>>                 static Logger log =
>> Logger.getLogger(Login.class.getName());
>>                 String userName;
>>                 String roleName;
>>                 @Pointcut("call (* Data) )
>> && args(data)")
>>                 public void login(Data data) {}
>>                 @Before("login(data)")
>>                 public void loginBefore(Data data)
>>                 {
>>                                 userName = data.getUserName();
>>                                 roleName = data.getRoleName();
>>                                 BasicConfigurator.configure();
>>                       "User " + userName + " with role
>> "
>> + roleName + " about to login");
>>                 }
>> }
>> Roger Huang
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>> aspectj-users mailing list
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