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Re: [aspectj-users] Before I forget

Hey Andrew,

It has happened several times since I last updated any aspects or ITDs.  The class I last saw it happen from is a regular java class that does have both a pointcut matching one of its methods and an ITD applied to it and it does not have any generic signatures.  There is no in path involved, but I do have my maven classpath container in the aspect path (as far as I've been able to tell, it has to be all or nothing with those jar files).  I haven't noticed if this affects advise markers or not, only that the error markers are not properly displayed, and also that some times once I've fixed an issue and saved a file it seems to do an incremental compile, but the error is not cleared until a clean/rebuild cycle.

Hi David,

The first steps would be to get a better idea of when this is
happening (obviously for incremental builds, but when it has happened,
do you know if you've changed an aspect recently, or only classes?,
are generics involved?), for what kinds of projects (are in path and
aspect path involved?), and what kinds of markers (are advice markers
included, or just warnings and errors?).

Then we can start trying to recreate it on a smaller project.
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