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Re: [aspectj-users] Problems with RCP Application using AspectJ and Spring

Are you using the ajdt headless build support?  The standard eclipse
pde headless build support will not compile aspects.

AJDT headless build support is available, but it is not officially
supported.  The bundle and instructions on how to use it are available

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Andreas Schilling
<andreas.schilling@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> hello!
> I have some problems getting an RCP application running with aspectj.
> While it runs fine from within the IDE, I yet didn't manage it to make it
> run when build using pde build.
> Information about the application:
> - one bundle with the aspect (and nothing else)
> - one bundle with spring+aspectj jars
> - several other bundles that make up the application, nothing special here
> - we only use LTW, so  no aspectj-compiler involved
> the aspect is configured using spring as we need to inject a property into
> the aspect:
> <bean id="lazyInitializationAspect" class=
> "[some_packages].aspects.lazyinitialization.LazyInitAspect"
>      factory-method="aspectOf">
>      <property name="dbBaseDaoService" ref=
> "[some_packages]" />
> </bean>
> In order to make it run out-of-the-box from within the IDE I had to do the
> usual tricks like adding the aspectj-hook and manually using the
> <configurations> part of the product to set run levels for plugins, but
> then it worked which shows me, that all the really basic stuff
> seems to be correct :-)
> So, the problem I encounter is probably a mix of several issues, which I
> try to explain to my best here and hope, that someone can
> answer a few of them or even all :-)
> 1) The exported product does not really reflect the configuration I did in
> the IDE and that works fine when the application is started from there.
> e.g., I have added the
> -Dosgi.framework.extensions=org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.hook part to the VM
> arguments of the product, but
> it can't be found in the config.ini that is generated during product
> export. Same goes for the <configurations> part of the .product where I set
> the start level of the org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj bundle in order
> to make it work.
> Is there any updated information (especially concerning simpleconfigurator)
> about all that configuration stuff for RCP applications? As far as
> I understood from reading alot of tutorials, mailing-list-archives and
> other resources, modifying the config.ini (or, supplying a custom one
> that is) is not what I want in our case, as it always looks like the
> explanations given are tailored for the old
> org.eclipse.update.configurator.
> Am I right with that?
> 2) If I manually edit the and config.ini (set startlevels in
> the first one and add the hook in the second one) of the exported
> application,
> the application starts and I can see in the console that also aspectj seems
> to at least do SOMETHING.
> however, when spring finally comes in the game and tries to configure the
> aspect, I get a ClassNotFoundException, that my aspect can not be
> found. That's the part I understand the least, as it works flawless when
> started from within the IDE. Maybe it's also only a configuration issue or
> some problem with the correct start order of bundles?
> By the way, the build-process is done with our own build-script that's also
> run on a cruisecontrol server. Maybe the root of all evil lies here?
> The build-process is from the days, when we didn't have aspectj included in
> our application, so maybe something totally essential is missing
> in there?
> Oh, and we always use that way to build the product, so we don't use the
> Product-Export-Functionality of Eclipse anymore.
> I guess I've come pretty far already, as I managed to get a working
> application from the IDE when simply clicking the "Launch Eclipse
> Application"
> button the the product editor (which wasn't the case before, where I had to
> adjust the launch configuration), but now I'm somewhat stuck concerning
> the last step of getting the same result when exporting the application.
> I hope someone on this list can help me here :-)
> Best regards,
> Andreas Schilling
> Information Engineering
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> E-Mail: andreas.schilling@xxxxxxxxxxx
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