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Re: [aspectj-users] [BUG?] java.lang.VerifyError with @AspectJannotation (but with a certain call to print, it works!?)

Always raise VerifyErrors as bugs. They are more common with
annotation style than code style because of the reduced amount of
checking we can perform at compile/weave time. And annotation style is
still much younger in terms of maturity than code style.


2009/8/31 Andrew Eisenberg <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi there,
> It would be best if you could raise a bug for this.  What you are
> seeing is not the intended behavior.  Thanks.
> Andy is away right now until Thursday, but he will be able to look at
> this when he returns.
> --a
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 5:21 AM, <jeanlouis.pasturel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Perhaps there is confusion with the reserved Aspectj word thisJoinPoint used
>> in jour advice @Around.
>> I don’t know it is a bug ; I let AspectJ gurus answer when they will come
>> back from holidays ;-)
>> Cordialement / Best regards
>> Jean-Louis Pasturel
>> ________________________________
>> De : aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> [mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de João Gonçalves
>> Envoyé : lundi 31 août 2009 14:11
>> À : aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> Objet : Re: [aspectj-users] [BUG?] java.lang.VerifyError with
>> @AspectJannotation (but with a certain call to print, it works!?)
>> Execution solves the problem!!
>> Many thanks.
>> But, still, shouldn't this be considered a bug? I mean, if I use the
>> "traditional" aspect notation, everything goes as planned. And the fact that
>> adding the prints, solves the problem is also weird...
>> Should I resport a bug?
>> Thanks.
>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 1:01 PM, <jeanlouis.pasturel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Sorry João,
>> I have not read your entire post correctly.
>> Did you try with an “execution” pointcut ( not a call) ?
>> Cordialement / Best regards
>> Jean-Louis Pasturel
>> ________________________________
>> De : aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> [mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de João Gonçalves
>> Envoyé : lundi 31 août 2009 12:58
>> À : aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> Objet : Re: [aspectj-users] [BUG?] java.lang.VerifyError with
>> @AspectJannotation (but with a certain call to print, it works!?)
>> Unfortunately, that's not the problem. With or without the blank the same
>> happens.
>> Regards.
>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 9:03 AM, <jeanlouis.pasturel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Perhaps a blank misses in the annoted pointcut :
>>  @Pointcut("call(public void figures.FigureElement+.move(int, int))"
>>   +"<blank>&& target(fe) && args(dx, dy)")
>> Cordialement / Best regards
>> Jean-Louis Pasturel
>> ________________________________
>> De : aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> [mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de João Gonçalves
>> Envoyé : lundi 31 août 2009 09:45
>> À : aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> Objet : [aspectj-users] [BUG?] java.lang.VerifyError with @AspectJannotation
>> (but with a certain call to print, it works!?)
>> Hi,
>> I'm using Eclipse 3.4.1, AspectJ 1.6.5 and AJDT 2.0.0.
>> I've created a very simple test scenario that utilizes @AspectJ. When
>> running a main method in a class or when running a Junit test, I get the
>> following error:
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: figures/Line,
>> method: move_aroundBody3$advice signature:
>> (Lfigures/Line;Lfigures/Point;IILorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint;Lanswers/Answer2h;Lorg/aspectj/lang/ProceedingJoinPoint;Lfigures/FigureElement;II)V)
>> Incompatible argument to function
>>  at MainTest.main(
>> Here's the aspect that is causing the error
>> ===============================================================
>> ===============================================================
>> package answers;
>> import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
>> import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.*;
>> import figures.*;
>> import java.awt.Rectangle;
>> @Aspect
>> public class Answer2h {
>>  @Pointcut("call(public void figures.FigureElement+.move(int, int))"
>>   +"&& target(fe) && args(dx, dy)")
>>  void movingFigureElement(FigureElement fe, int dx, int dy) {}
>>  @Around("movingFigureElement(fe, dx, dy)")
>>  public void checkIfBoundsMovedSame(ProceedingJoinPoint thisJoinPoint,
>>   FigureElement fe, int dx, int dy) throws Throwable {
>>   Rectangle rectangleBefore = new Rectangle(fe.getBounds());
>>   thisJoinPoint.proceed(new Object[]{fe, dx, dy});
>>   rectangleBefore.translate(dx, dy);
>>   if(!rectangleBefore.equals(fe.getBounds()))
>>   throw new IllegalStateException("move() invariant violation");
>>  }
>> }
>> ===============================================================
>> However, strangely, when I had the following 3 lines to my aspect (I was
>> just doing debug), everything works normally:
>> ===============================================================
>> (with 3 more lines)
>> ===============================================================
>> package answers;
>> import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
>> import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.*;
>> import figures.*;
>> import java.awt.Rectangle;
>> @Aspect
>> public class Answer2h {
>>  @Pointcut("call(public void figures.FigureElement+.move(int, int))"
>>   +"&& target(fe) && args(dx, dy)")
>>  void movingFigureElement(FigureElement fe, int dx, int dy) {}
>>  @Around("movingFigureElement(fe, dx, dy)")
>>  public void checkIfBoundsMovedSame(ProceedingJoinPoint thisJoinPoint,
>>   FigureElement fe, int dx, int dy) throws Throwable {
>>   Rectangle rectangleBefore = new Rectangle(fe.getBounds());
>>   for(Object o: thisJoinPoint.getArgs()) {
>>   System.out.print(o+" ");
>>   }
>>   thisJoinPoint.proceed(new Object[]{fe, dx, dy});
>>   rectangleBefore.translate(dx, dy);
>>   if(!rectangleBefore.equals(fe.getBounds()))
>>   throw new IllegalStateException("move() invariant violation");
>>  }
>> }
>> ===============================================================
>> ????
>> If I use any other print (and comment the privous print), the code continues
>> giving the same error...
>> Examples (that don't work):
>> // System.out.println("ENTERED");
>> // System.out.println("Kind: "+thisJoinPoint.getKind());
>> // System.out.println("Signature: "+thisJoinPoint.getSignature());
>> // System.out.println("This: "+thisJoinPoint.getThis());
>> // System.out.println("Target: "+thisJoinPoint.getTarget());
>> Another interesting thing (that makes me believe it's some kind of bug).
>> The is equivalent to this one:
>> ===============================================================
>> Answer2h.aj
>> ===============================================================
>>  package answers;
>> import figures.*;
>> import java.awt.Rectangle;
>> public aspect Answer2h {
>>  pointcut movingFigureElement(FigureElement figureElement, int dx, int dy):
>>   call(public void figures.FigureElement+.move(int, int)) &&
>>   target(figureElement) &&
>>   args(dx, dy);
>>  void around(FigureElement figureElement, int dx, int dy):
>>   movingFigureElement(figureElement, dx, dy) {
>>   Rectangle rectangleBefore =
>>   new Rectangle(figureElement.getBounds());
>>   proceed(figureElement, dx, dy);
>>   rectangleBefore.translate(dx, dy);
>>   if(!rectangleBefore.equals(figureElement.getBounds()))
>>   throw new IllegalStateException("move() invariant violation"); }
>> }
>> ===============================================================
>> But this latter works!!
>> Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
>> Thanks.
>> Here's the code (not sure if it helps):
>> ===============================================================
>> ===============================================================
>> import figures.Box;
>> import figures.FigureElement;
>> import figures.Group;
>> import figures.Line;
>> import figures.Point;
>> import figures.SlothfulPoint;
>> public class MainTest {
>>  /**
>>   * @param args
>>   */
>>  public static void main(String[] args) {
>>   Box bb;
>>   Point p1;
>>   Point p2;
>>   Line l1;
>>   SlothfulPoint sloth1;
>>   Group g;
>>   p1 = new Point(10, 100);
>>   p2 = new Point(20, 200);
>>   l1 = new Line(p1, p2); // line of the error
>>   bb = new Box(5, 5, 10, 10);
>>   sloth1 = new SlothfulPoint(0, 0);
>>   g = new Group(p1);
>>   FigureElement fe = new SlothfulPoint(10, 10);
>>   try {
>>   fe.move(10, 10);
>>   System.out.println("should have thrown IllegalStateException");
>>   } catch (IllegalStateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
>>   p1.move(30, 45);
>>   p2.move(10, 33);
>>  }
>> }
>> ===============================================================
>> P.S.:
>> When I use the to lauch the example, inside I
>> have to use this call to proceed:
>> thisJoinPoint.proceed(new Object[]{fe, dx, dy});
>> But, when I use the JUnit, the test oly runs if I use :
>> thisJoinPoint.proceed(new Object[]{fe, fe, dx, dy});
>> Why? Shouldn't the call be the same? And shouldn't the latter be the correct
>> one ({target + 3 parameters})?
>> Regards.
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