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[aspectj-users] Another generics bug?

I think I am seeing a bug caused by intertypes which introduce 2 generic methods that call each other, but I am a little fuzzy on why it's happening. Maybe someone on the list can help me clarify what is going on here and if it is, indeed, an aspectJ issue.

I have an intertype declaration that includes these two methods:

	public void SelectAction<T, I>.setSelectedId(I id) {
		selectedId = id;
		T entity = null;
		if(id != null){
			entity = H2Lookup.em().find(getManagedClass(), id);
		if(!EqualityUtils.equal(getSelected(), entity))

	public void SelectAction<T, I>.setSelected(T object) {
		this.selected = object;
		I id = object == null ? null : findIdValue(object);
		if(!EqualityUtils.equal(getSelectedId(), id))

Then I have a class the implements SelectAction and overrides the setSelected method. The problem is, when setSelectedId is called I end up with an AbstractMethodError

Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: mhc.users.AdminUserAction.setSelected(Ljava/lang/Object;)V at h2.actions.SelectActionAspect.ajc $interMethodDispatch1$h2_actions_SelectActionAspect $h2_actions_SelectAction$setSele
at h2.actions.SelectActionAspect.ajc$interMethod $h2_actions_SelectActionAspect$h2_actions_SelectAction$setSelectedId(Se
	at mhc.users.AdminUserAction.setSelectedId(
	... 87 more

My guess here, based on my limited understanding of how generics work behind the scenes, is that in the usual case aspectJ will add methods for setSelectedId(Object id) and setSelected(Object object) that will "dispatch" the call to the proper method signature based on the parameters type. It seems that when I override setSelected and give it a non-generic parameter though, say setSelected(User user), then aspectJ ignores that method and does not create a version that takes an Object parameter. Since the setSelectedId method that was added by aspectJ expects there will be a generic form of setSelected that will take an Object parameter, that call fails.

That sound about right? If so, I'm not sure what the fix would be. I suppose I can work around the problem by changing my version of setSelected to setSelected(Object user) and then casting to the proper type. It's be nice if this worked without the hack though.

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