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Re: [aspectj-users] due to interface not advised

Thank you very much for your fast answer!

Your example works fine for me, I think this has maybe something to do
with the fact that:
-Context interface and Context implementation have the same name
(different packages and different projects)
-Interfaces and Implementations are strictly decoupled (both in seperate
-aspectj is used using maven-plugins and compiling aspects into a jar,
afterwards the aspects are applied to the differents projects

So maybe aspectj has problems with that?

thank you

Andy Clement schrieb:
> Hi Michael,
> i dont quite follow - can you flesh out the example?  I just wrote:
> interface Context {}
> class ContextImpl implements Context {}
> aspect X {
>   pointcut selectSingletons(): execution(* d*(..));
>   after(Context con): selectSingletons() && this(con) {
>   }
> }
> class A {
>   Context doSomething() { return null; }
>   ContextImpl doSomethingElse() { return null; }
> }
> ----
> ajc -showWeaveInfo
> Join point 'method-execution(Context A.doSomething())' in Type 'A'
> ( advised by after advice from 'X' ( [with runtime
> test]
> Join point 'method-execution(ContextImpl A.doSomethingElse())' in Type
> 'A' ( advised by after advice from 'X' ( [with
> runtime test]
> What is different between what I did and what you are saying?
> Andy.
> 2009/5/12 Michael Rogger <Michael.Rogger@xxxxxxx>:
>> Hi,
>> I have for example this aspect:
>> after( Context con ) : selectSingletons() && this(con){
>> ...
>> }
>> Where Context is an interface.
>> -If a method has as return type Context (infterface) it will be advised
>> by aspectj.
>> -If a method has as return type Context (class which implements
>> interface) it will not be advised
>> In theory this should work, any ideas?
>> thanks
>> --
>> Michael Rogger
>> STI Innsbruck (
>> University of Innsbruck
>> ICT Technologiepark
>> Technikerstr. 21a
>> 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
>> T +43 512 507 96844
>> F +43 512 507 9872
>> E michael.rogger@xxxxxxx
>> Skype
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Michael Rogger
STI Innsbruck (
University of Innsbruck
ICT Technologiepark
Technikerstr. 21a
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

T +43 512 507 96844
F +43 512 507 9872
E michael.rogger@xxxxxxx


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