Andy Clement wrote:
> I would not use @annotation, I would match statically on your methods:
> @Before("execution(@WorkflowAction * *(..)))")
> Passing the form instance is straightforward:
> @Before("execution(@WorkflowAction * *(..))) && this(f)")
> public void goo(Page.Form formInstance) {}
> Accessing the outer instance of Page is not so eay. Here are the
> options:
> 1) define a getter in Form and call it from the advice
> public void getPage() {
> return Page.this;
> }
> 2) Write a more complex pointcut that uses a wormhole pattern to pass the
> enclosing instance through to the advice:
> @Before("execution(@WorkflowAction * *(..)) && cflow(this(p))")
> public void foo(Page p) { }
> 3) use an AspectJ code style intertype declaration to add that getter from
> option (1):
> public Page Page.Form.getPage() {
> return Page.this;
> }
> (this could possibly be done in annotation style @DeclareParents, but just
> the thought of the messiness of that declaration puts me off trying it)
> 4) Rely on how the compiler implements inner classes:
> public void goo(Page.Form formInstance) {}
> Field f = Page.Form.class.getDeclaredField("this$0");
> f.setAccessible(true);
> System.out.println("Page is " + formInstance.get(p));
> }
> Andy
> 2008/12/12 miro <
>> I want to take control through my aspect for any method which is
>> annotated
>> with @WorkflowAction.
>> here is my example
>> public class Page(){
>> Page(){
>> add(new Form());
>> }
>> // inner class
>> public Class Form {
>> @WorkflowAction()
>> void somemethod()
>> }
>> }
>> My aspect comes in picture when the somemethod() is called and I am
>> wondering is there a way I can pass instance of page to my aspect ?
>> here is my aspect
>> @Before("@annotation(gov.hhs.acf.aop.aspects.WorkflowAction)")
>> public void transferWorkflowContext(JoinPoint joinPoint){
>> //here I want to access the page instance
>> }
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