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Re: [aspectj-users] Re: Extending standard java classes

Seems like you are running with the original rt.jar.  Make sure you
add your woven jar to your bootclasspath (see java -X for more
information on this).

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 12:09 AM, Tassilo Horn <tassilo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> "Andy Clement" <andrew.clement@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Hi Andy,
>>> I've thought that.  But with the command line ajc it works in a
>>> reasonable time and resources.  (I can't tell if it acually works,
>>> though, but at least it compiles. ;-))
>> -showWeaveInfo is the command line option that will tell you if it is
>>  weaving.
> Ok, it seems to have worked and I got a weaver-rt.jar including the
> standard java classes + my AValue interface.  I deleted the Java system
> lib from my test project inside Eclipse and replaced it with the weaved
> jar.
> When I check the type hierarchy of Integer, it tells me that it
> implements AValue, just like I wanted.
> When I say
>     AValue a = new Integer(2);
>     System.out.println("instance of AValue? " + (a instanceof AValue));
>         System.out.println("Integer? " + a.isInteger() + ", Double? "
>           + a.isDouble() + ", String? " + a.isString());
> no errors are shown, but when I run the program the instanceof test says
> false and invoking the isFoo() methods, which are declared in the
> interface AValue and have implementations in my aspect throw an
> exception:
>  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError:
>    Class java.lang.Integer does not implement the requested interface AValue
>          at Test.main(
> I think I'm missing something obvious here, but what?
> Bye,
> Tassilo
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