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[aspectj-users] Load time weaving problem

I am learning to use load-time weaving features provided by aspectj, but I can not get my example worked whilst running it.  The problem is that the load-time weaving seems not work.

There are two classes named character/ and observer/Inspector.aj (source is as listed ) . 

The way how I compile it is
1.) compile 
 javac -classpath ./ character/
2.) compile aspectj source
  ajc -1.6  observer/Inspector.aj  (This step issues warning which oreilly's aspectj cookbook says it is ok)

[warning] no match for this type name: Person [Xlint:invalidAbsoluteTypeName]
pointcut observer(): execution(* speak(..)) && this(Person);
/home/neo/workspace/coding/aspectj/load-time-weaving/observer/Inspector.aj:6 [warning] advice defined in observer.Inspector has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch]

3.)  produce outjar and export it in ASPECTPATH
ajc -outjar lib/inspector.jar observer/Inspector.aj 
export ASPECTPATH=./lib/inspect.jar

4.) run example
aj -javaagent:$ASPECTJ_HOME/lib/aspectjweaver.jar -cp ./ character.Person 

The result only shows "Jason speak : This is a book!" without weaving.

What I expect is 
stage before speaking something!
Jason speak : This is a book!

Where did I do it wrong?

My env: aspectj1.6/ open suse 11.0 64bit/kernel 2.6.25-1.1-default/ jdk1.6.x

I appreciate any advice,

Thank you very much

The source is as below:

package character;
public class Person{
        private String name;

        public Person(String name){
       = name;

        public String getName(){
        public void setName(String name){
       = name;

        public void speak(String sentence){
                System.out.println(" speak : "+sentence);

        public static void main(String args[]){
                new Person("Jason").speak("This is a book!");

package observer;

public aspect Inspector{
        pointcut observer(): execution(* speak(..)) && this(Person);

        before(): observer(){
                System.out.println("stage before speaking something!");

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