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[aspectj-users] AspectJ Ant task bug ?

I have two folder

inpath :


            jlp/exemple1/jvm13/<classes of exemple1.jar >


outpath :


and a concrete Aspect : iep.perf.aspect13.concreteAspect.DurationSimpleMethod.aj


this Ant Task runs fine :

<iajc inpath="${basedir}\inpath\exemple1.jar" failonerror="true" source="1.3"  argfiles="src/args3.lst"

                  destdir="${basedir}/outpath" classpath="${basedir}/lib/aspectjrt.jar;${basedir}/perfAspects13.jar"

                  verbose="true" fork="true" maxmem="512m">



                              <forkclasspath refid="ajde.classpath" />



The args3.lst constains only : iep/perf/aspect13/concreteAspect/DurationSimpleMethod.aj

The pointcut is : public pointcut methods():execution(public * jlp.exemple1.jvm13.*.*(..));

With specifying a jar file in the inpath attribute, the woven classes are correctly generated in the outpath folder


With this Ant task :

<iajc inpath="${basedir}\inpath " failonerror="true" source="1.3"  argfiles="src/args3.lst"

                  destdir="${basedir}/outpath" classpath="${basedir}/lib/aspectjrt.jar;${basedir}/perfAspects13.jar"

                  verbose="true" fork="true" maxmem="512m">



                              <forkclasspath refid="ajde.classpath" />



It doesn’t run, the folder $basedir/inpath/jlp/exemple1/jvm13/ is empty after the compilation, and there is no classes generated in the outpath folder except the Aspect.



Cordialement / Best regards


Jean-Louis Pasturel



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