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Re: [aspectj-users] Joinpoint on a Java API class

On Feb 13, 2008, at 10:00 AM, ldelaforge@xxxxxxx wrote:


I am trying to put a joinpoint on a java.util.ArrayList class.
But on runtime the advice is never executed.

Did I miss something, or is it simply impossible to put a joinpoint on a Java API class ?

Here is my aspect code :
   pointcut grouik() : get(* java.util.ArrayList.*);

         after() returning() : grouik() {

This join point attempts to call reads of any fields of an ArrayList object. If that's what you meant, by default, AJ won't insert advice in JDK classes. This was primarily because of Sun's licensing restrictions about modifying the byte code of the JVM and libraries. There are workarounds documented on the net. The licensing restriction is more or less going away since Java is transitioning to open source.

However, if you meant "match all field reads in my classes of type ArrayList", it would be

pointcut grouik(): get (java.util.ArrayList ...*.*)

(The three dots mean: ".." any packages, arbitrarily deep + "." the usually package separator - before the first "*" for matching any class/interface)

Hope that helps.

Thanks in advance.

Laurent Delaforge



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