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SV: [aspectj-users] Limiting depth of pointcut for subclasses


Example is EJB's - When you create an EJB you also create a HomeInterface
that extends EJBHome and then you implement that, but at the same time the
container (in this case WebSphere) create another interface that extends
yours and then implements it. So you have two classes that both implement
EJBHome, bu I only want to advice my own implementation.


-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] På vegne av Gregor Kiczales
Sendt: 5. februar 2008 17:36
Til: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Emne: Re: [aspectj-users] Limiting depth of pointcut for subclasses

Could you explain a bit more about why you need to do this?

On 2/5/08 5:25 AM, "hermod.opstvedt@xxxxxxxxx" <hermod.opstvedt@xxxxxxxxx>

> Hi
> I was afraid there was no easy way - maybe we should ask for an 
> enhancement to add a new attribute that will limit a Object+ construct.
> Hermod
> -----Original Message-----
> From: aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gijs Peek
> Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 2:20 PM
> To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [aspectj-users] Limiting depth of pointcut for subclasses
> Hash: SHA1
> Although I fail to comprehend why you would ever need this (maybe you 
> should consider modifying your design), my guess would be that you can 
> only achieve such an effect by using the if() pointcut and applying 
> reflection to determine the classes' location in the hierarchy (e.g., 
> by using the Class.getInterfaces method). Your pointcut then would 
> probably look something like pointcut pc(A obj):
>     this(obj) &&
> if(Arrays.asList(obj.getClass().getInterfaces()).contains(A.class)))
> cheers,
>  - Gijs Peek
> hermod.opstvedt@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Limiting depth of pointcut for subclasses
>> Hi
>> Is there a short and easy way of shortening the depth of a pointcut?
>> The scenario is that I advise the construction of objects that 
>> implement an interface. However I only want to advice the first child 
>> in the hierarchy of implementation. I.E Interface A extends interface 
>> I, Interface A1 extends interface A. Class C implements A and class 
>> C1
>> implements A1. I only want to advice A (i.e construction of C). First 
>> challenge is that interface I is the only known interface at design 
>> time.
>> Hermod
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