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RE: [aspectj-users] Weird syntax-error

Hi Tobias

I had some observations about your code.

1.The around advice is expected to have a return type

I tried 'void' in your code snippet and the compiler vanished.

2.Dunno if it is a typo in the mail,thisJointPoint.toLongString() should be 

thisJointPoint.toLongString()...i.e it is not Joint only Join

The modified snippet which compiled in Eclipse was 

public aspect ScriptingAspect {
	   pointcut executeStringSetter() : execution(public void
Cell.setRow(Row)); // Here comes the error.
	   void around() : executeStringSetter() {



-----Original Message-----
From: aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tobias Demuth
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 1:57 PM
To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aspectj-users] Weird syntax-error


my name is Tobias and I'm new to AspectJ and (of course) to this mailing
list. I'm trying to get AspectJ to work together with my current project,
but I have got an syntax error, which I don't understand and which I cannot
reproduce in an easier (aka smaller) project.

Here is my Aspect (the simplest version, that causes the error):

public aspect ScriptingAspect {
   pointcut executeStringSetter() :
      execution(public void Cell.setRow(Row)); // Here comes the error.
   around() : executeStringSetter {


The Classes Cell and Row are in the same Package as this Aspect. The error,
the compiler shows to me, is:

Syntax error on token ";", Type expected after this token

I don't understand, what the compiler is arguing about. As I already said, I
wasn't able to reproduce this error with an less complex project, which I
can show to you anyway if requested.

Thanks for any help or suggestions about the error, kind regards, Tobias
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