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[aspectj-users] Annotations with RetentionPolicy = SOURCE



I’m developing a set of policies to enforce good practices, with AspectJ. Today I run into a problem that, I suppose, is most likely to be a  limitation of AspectJ itself.


I was trying to match an annotation with Source retention in a declare warning. Can I do this? I already search the notebook at:


I noticed that, in declare parents, its explicitly referred that “it is now possible to match types based on the presence of annotations with either class-file or runtime retention”. However nothing is said about Source retention.


A simple test example that I developed is:


Class A and B:


public class A {

                public void foo() { //doSomething }



public class B extends A{


                public void foo() { //doSomethingDifferent }





public aspect Enforcer {

                declare warning: execution(@Override * *(..)) : "Overriding Method!";



The problem here is the use of an Annotation with RetentionPolicy = SOURCE, right? Is there any way of matching this annotations? Or is it really a limitation of the language itself?



Tiago Moreiras

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