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[aspectj-users] How to exclude a package including all subpackages from load time weaving?


I want to exclude a package including all subpackages from load time weaving. For this I have added an exclude element to my aop.xml file:

       <aspect name="com.canoo.playground.aspect.HelloAspect" />

   <weaver options="-debug">
       <exclude within="org.netbeans.jemmy.*" />

In the debug output of the load time weaver I can see the following lines:
[java] [AppClassLoader@92e78c] debug not weaving 'org.netbeans.jemmy.Timeout' [java] [AppClassLoader@92e78c] debug weaving 'org.netbeans.jemmy.QueueTool$RunnableRunnable' [java] [AppClassLoader@92e78c] debug weaving 'org.netbeans.jemmy.drivers.input.RobotDriver'

That means only classes that are directly inside the org.netbeans.jemmy package are exclude but no inner classes and no classes that are inside subpackages, e.g. org.netbeans.jemmy.drivers.

Question: how can I easily exclude all classes (regular and inner ones) that are below a certain package?

Regards Dany

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