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Re: [aspectj-users] EclipseCon 2007 AOP Track

Matthew, speaking of extending AJDT tools, I wonder if it can allow 3rd party extensions to expand its functionality. For instance, spring IDE added its own Beans Crossreferences view, which has additional information about beans, comparing to AJDT's Cross References view.

So, it would be nice if Spring IDE could just contribute some extension to that view, so user could reuse the same view in both cases. In worst case it could be as simple as contributing custom panel to be shown in the view (similar to the Outline and History views extension mechanism).

See Rod Johnson blog at


Matthew Webster wrote:
Once again the AspectJ and AJDT projects with be represented at EclipseCon. Far two sessions have been accepted: ... If you are attending the conference and would like to see more AOP content then your votes count. The following demos and short talk have yet to be accepted. Please take a look at the proposals and post any comments.

What's New in AJDT
This Short Talk will describe the new features added recently and preview features under development for the next release

Implementing and Deploying Extension Points for Existing Plug-ins with the Aspects Incubator This Demo will show you how the Aspects Equinox Incubator can be used to implement or modify extension points in existing bundles.

Getting Started with the Aspects Equinox Incubator
This Short Talk will outline how to develop, test and deploy dynamic aspect-oriented applications, libraries or services using familiar tools such as AJDT and PDE.

If there are any other AOP-related sessions proposed for EclipseCon that I have missed please post them to the list.

Matthew Webster

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