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Re: [aspectj-users] Generics and Advice not being applied (Beginner Question)

Looks like you have hit a bug to me - please raise it and we can investigate.
re: LTW, generics information is recovered for matching and so load
time weaving using generics works just the same as compile time


On 07/12/06, Bhaskar Maddala <maddalab@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

     I am currently  migrating some existing code to use Generics. During
the course of the migration I ran into a problem with generics and  pointcut
definition which I am unable to resolve, and any help is greatly

The original definition of a method that I am selecting is

BOIterator load(BusinessObjectDef boDef, String[] aIntgFieldName, String
sWhereClause, String sOrderBy, PRequestOptions opts)
            throws ServerException, BusinessObjectException,

and the corresponding pointcut definition is

pointcut loadWhereClause(BusinessObjectDef boDef, String[]
fields, String sWhereClause, String sOrderBy, PRequestOptions options) :
args(boDef, fields, sWhereClause, sOrderBy, options) && execution
(BOIterator *Session*.load(BusinessObjectDef, String[],
String, String, PRequestOptions));

Upon migrating to generics the method signature changes to

<T extends BusinessObject> BOIterator<T> load(BusinessObjectDef boDef,
String[] aIntgFieldName, String sWhereClause, String sOrderBy,
PRequestOptions opts) throws ServerException, BusinessObjectException,

I noticed that eclipse complained of unchecked conversion from BOIterator<?
extends BusinessObject> to BOIterator
[Xlint:uncheckedAdviceConversion]. In an attempt to fix it
I tried a few alternatives. I changed the pointcut definition to include the
generic type definitions as follows

pointcut loadWhereClause(BusinessObjectDef boDef, String[]
fields, String sWhereClause, String sOrderBy, PRequestOptions options) :
args(boDef, fields, sWhereClause, sOrderBy, options) && execution
(BOIterator<? extends BusinessObject>
*Session*.load(BusinessObjectDef, String[], String, String,

Unfortunately the advise is not being applied anymore. I have defined an
around advice as follows

BOIterator<? extends  BusinessObject> around(BusinessObjectDef boDef,
String[] fields, String sWhereClause, String sOrderBy, PRequestOptions
options) : loadWhereClause(boDef, fields, sWhereClause, sOrderBy, options)

On a side note is generic support included if the above code were to be
migrated to use load time weaving i.e. how are pointcut definitions which
include generic information applied at runtime (given erasure).

Once again as I mentioned in the subject, I am a beginner to aspectj and
generics in java, and apologize for any glaring errors. Thank you for your


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