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[aspectj-users] adviceexecution without cflow


Please, look at the simple code below:

public aspect TestAdviceExecution {

      pointcut methods(): execution(public * *(..));
      pointcut logger(): execution(void Log.log(String));

      before(): methods() && !logger() {


As you can see, I have used the logger pointcut in order to avoid the
problem of infinite loops.

Ok. Now, I am studying the adviceexecution pointcut. The code that I
used to get the same result of the code above is:

public aspect TestAdviceExecution {

	 pointcut methods(): execution(public * *(..));

	 before(): methods() && !cflow(adviceexecution()) {


My question is: why the code below does not work if the
adviceexecution is supposed to get join points inside advices? In
other words: this code advises the logging method, causing the
infinite loop... :(

public aspect TestAdviceExecution {

	 pointcut methods(): execution(public * *(..));

	 before(): methods() && !adviceexecution() {


I do not know if I am right, but why do I have to use the cflow in this example?

Thank you so much!

Márcio de Medeiros Ribeiro
MSc Candidate
Informatics Center (CIn)
Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE)
Member of the Software Productivity Group (SPG)
Contact: +55 81 2126-8430 - Extension: 4793

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