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RE: [aspectj-users] Inter-type declaration ofconstructor usingannotations

Hi Johno,

Why can't you use around advice on constructor execution? As you noted, you
can find at least one constructor by reflection and call it with nulls or
default values (for primitives). Then use something like this to skip the
entire execution of the constructor:

public class ShortCircuit {
    String y = makeY();
    private static String makeY() {
        String val = "Making y";
        return val;
        System.out.println("Class init");

    public ShortCircuit(int x) {
        System.out.println("Graham would love this one "+x);

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        ShortCircuit instance = new ShortCircuit(3);
        System.out.println("Made "+instance+" with "+instance.y);

aspect NoBody {
    void around() : execution( {}

Because "The constructor execution join point for a constructor that calls a
super constructor also includes any non-static initializers of enclosing
html], this will also avoid executing any class initialization.

-----Original Message-----
From: aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Johno
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 11:43 PM
To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [aspectj-users] Inter-type declaration ofconstructor


first of all thanks for reply. The problem with using around advice on 
constructor is that I can't use it. In the end you just have to return 
Article class anyways so you must invoke constructor somewhere. There is 
no problem with this as far as I can short-circuit all calls and set/get 
in this constructor using

    private pointcut basicCalls() : call(* *.*(..)) || get(* *.*) || 
set(* *.*);
     * Bypasses all methods/getters/setters invoked in
     * persistable objects constructors in loading mode
    Object around() : whileLoading() && cflow(entityCreation()) && 
basicCalls() && !within(Persistence) {
        return null;

The problem is when a constructor takes some parameters like in my 
example. Maybe I could use reflection capabilities to inspect that and 
push there some nulls and default values. Looks like some sort of 
crippled dependency injection. I'll try that one.


Ron Bodkin wrote:
> Hi Johno,
> There are a number of code generation capabilities that AspectJ doesn't
> provide, and this is a good example of one that would be useful but
> doesn't support. In AspectJ 1.0 you actually could write an ITD like you
> wrote for #1 (e.g., public, but the AspectJ 1.1+
> restriction on writing ITD's to only simple types resulting in losing that
> ability. It would nice if the restriction of ITD's to work only on a
> type could be relaxed (using the least common denominator type for type
> patterns). But failing having an enhancement like that...
> One approach that you often see in O/R frameworks is requiring a no-op
> constructor on the persistable classes. If you follow that approach, you
> could instead use an ITD to define a method void
> that runs after construction.  I'd make my persistent classes implement an
> interface Persistable rather than a superclass (it's not good to require
> them to all have a common superclass, of course).
> But if you really want to avoid adding another constructor to all the
> classes, it is possible to use a somewhat ugly work-around. You could
> a common factory method to create persistent objects (e.g., Article
> = Persistence.create(Article.class);) that uses reflection to invoke a
> normal constructor of the domain object, but use around advice to
> short-circuit the normal constructor behavior, then delegate on to a
> like Persistable.init(Transfer). Given that this code will be encapsulated
> inside your persistence engine, it might be reasonable to do this (as long
> as you are weaving into any persisted class).
> HTH,
> Ron
> -----Original Message-----
> From: aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Johno
> Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 3:54 AM
> To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [aspectj-users] Inter-type declaration of constructor
> usingannotations
> Hi,
> I'm currently working on a object-relational mapper using annotations.
> Here is a simple example of a persistable class.
> @Persistent
> public class Article {
>     private Person author;
>     public Article(Person anAuthor) {
>         author = anAuthor;
>     }
> }
> The main problem is that there are two kinds of object construction in
> context of OR mapping. Creating a new object that will be inserted into
> DB and loading an object from DB. So you need two constructors for a
> persistable class.
> @Persistent
> public class Article {
>     private Person author;
>     public Article(Transfer transfer) {
>         // load data from transfer to entities
>     }
>     public Article(Person anAuthor) {
>         author = anAuthor;
>     }
> }
> I would like to introduce this new "transfer" constructor using
> inter-type declarations. Is it possible? I have tried various things:
> 1)  There is no way to use
> public (@Persistent *).new(Transfer transfer) {...}
> 2) If I create a PersistentRoot class with transfer constructor and use
> declare parents : @Perstistent * extends PersistentRoot;
> then I cannot use this constructor when creating subclasses. new 
> Article(Transfer transfer); is not usable.
> 3) With mentioned PersistentRoot I must add constructor to every 
> persistent class by hand.
> public transfer) { super(transfer); }
> Which is the only working way I have found, but its really ugly hack.
> I am new to AspectJ so probably I am missing something. Any ideas?
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