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Re: [aspectj-users] Describing the chattyness

Calls from Business:

  declare warning : within({Business}) && call({Dao}) : "business -> DAO";
  where {Business} and {Dao} depend on your system.

Similarly, callbacks from DAO:

  declare warning : within({Dao}) && call({Business}) : "DAO -> Business";

For a runtime accounting, use advice to log the same pointcuts.

Is that what you were looking for? ("reference count" typically means
the number of references to a particular object.)

(See also JDepends.)


btw, search didn't turn up any relevant definition of "AMOF"

> ------------Original Message------------
> From: Thomas SMETS - disposable add <duvelbier-tsmets@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Thu, Sep-28-2006 10:50 AM
> Subject: [aspectj-users] Describing the chattyness
> Dear,
> I was wondering how I could do a reference count...
> AMOF, I would like to measure the level of chattyness in my code :
>         Service Layer <--> Business Layer <--> Dao <--> DB
> If I can forbid the Service to talk directly to the Dao, I woundered if 
> I could also point the places where the Business was chatting too much 
> with the DAO's (hence the DB).
> Any hint into this would be appreciated !
> \T,
> --  Any fool can write code that a computer can understand.  
> Good programmers write code that humans can understand.                 
> Martin Fowler  
> T. : +32 (0)2 742 05 94 
> M. : +32 (0)497 44 68 12 
> @  : duvelbier-tsmets@xxxxxxxxx 
> Do you skype too ... (tsmets) ?
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