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RE: [aspectj-users] Re: Differentiating between similar join points

Hi Armin,

Thanks much. I will try these suggestions.


>===== Original Message From Armin <funkoholic@xxxxxx> =====
>Hi Devon.
>The pointcut language of AJ does not distinguish between two
>syntactically equal joinpoints that reside in the same context.
>Means: No, you can not pick out the two calls A.withdraw() separately.
>At least not statically because they look the same an their enclosing
>program element is the same (execution joinpoint of the transfer
>But you have at least one alternative and two workarounds:
>1. What you can do is distinguish them dynamically. So if you have
>any attributes of A that changes after the first call of A.withdraw()
>or the A.deposit() method you can pick out the first /second call by
>checking this attribute's values during runtime.
>pointcut firstCall():
>	call(A.withdraw(..)) && if( == bar);
>If you don't want have any appropriate attribute and you don't want
>to create a dummy attribute within A you could use a counter or a
>flag within your aspect. As long as you have static calls to
>A.withdraw() this is sufficient.
>2. The ugly one: Wrap the two calls with two dummy methods that
>differ syntactically.
>	A.withdraw1(); //calls A.withdraw()
>	A.deposit();
>	A.withdraw2();  //calls A.withdraw()
>3. I've never tried this but probably you can use @annotations to
>distinguish the two calls.
>	@firstcall A.withdraw();
>	A.deposit();
>	@secondCall A.withdraw();
>> Hi All,
>> Given the following three calls:
>> public void transfer(..) {
>> //some code
>> A.withdraw(..);
>> A.deposit(..);
>> A.withdraw(..);
>> //some code
>> }
>> How do I pick out the first and last call join points separately?
>> Thanks.
>> Devon.
>aspectj-users mailing list

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