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Re: [aspectj-users] A few questions from a new user

Hi Wes,
Thank you very much for your quick response! The first two answers addressed my problems well, but I need to think about the solution to the third one. Thanks again for your help :-)

On 3/20/06, Wes Isberg <wes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 1. How can I get the new value after an array field is read? In the

There is no join point for array-element-[read|write], sorry.

> 2. I am having trouble in obtaining the caller's class if a
> method call is made within the caller's static method.

This is a function of reflection.  Your approach is the best available.
But you can narrow the pointcut to specific static method or type:

withincode(static void m()) && call(void run())

> 3. How can I catch the program termination event?

Program termination differs for different programs, so you'll have to
define that first, and then write the aspect for it.  Also, don't
forget Java has a shutdown hook.


------------Original Message------------
From: Sunny <sunfire001@xxxxxxxxx>
To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, Mar-20-2006 11:14 AM
Subject: [aspectj-users] A few questions from a new user
Dear All,
I am sorry if this is not the right place to ask such questions. I just adopted AspectJ to implement a project. I got a few problems and hope to get some help.
1. How can I get the new value after an array field is read? In the following class A for example, I would like to know
what changes have been made to the array contents after each array access. It seems that the array access happens BEFORE
the new value is assigned, so I can only get the old contents each time the field get event occurs.

public class A
Object[] objArr = new Object[10];

public void call1()
  objArr[0] = new String("1");
  objArr[1] = new String("2");
  objArr[2] = new String("3");

2. I am having trouble in obtaining the caller's class if a method call is made within the caller's static method. For example:
public class A
public static void call1()
public class B {
public static void changeField()
System.out.println("from B");
How can I know the caller is class A? I tried the following pointcut:
pointcut staticMethodCall() : call(static * *.*(..));
after() : staticMethodCall()
Class calleeClass = thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getDeclaringType();
       Object caller = thisJoinPoint.getThis();
if (caller == null)
caller = thisJoinPoint.getSourceLocation().getWithinType();
Here I used thisJoinPoint.getSourceLocation().getWithinType(); But what if I test a program where no source code is available? Can I still call thisJoinPoint.getSourceLocation()?
3. How can I catch the program termination event? For a program containing a main() method, I could possibly solve this by monitoring this method using the call designator and after returning advice. But let's again suppose we have a program in binary form (like jar file), I may not know which method is the entry/termination point. So how can I get notification upon the termination of the program?
I appreciate any advice and code snippet!
Thank you,

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