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Re: [aspectj-users] @SuppressAjWarnings for aspectj syntax (ie, non @Aspect syntax)

#: Barry Kaplan changed the world a bit at a time by saying (astral date: 3/5/2006 9:12 PM) :#
I get warnings at two places. For the second, the suppress works. But not for the first.

public aspect EntityManagerFactoryBeanOptimizerAspect {

    pointcut postProcessAnnotationConfiguration():
W execution(* AnnotationSessionFactoryBean+.postProcessAnnotationConfiguration(..))
        && target(EntityManagerFactoryBean);
W    void around(): ejb3ConfigurationConstructor()
        // Prevent from initializing half the jboss server

aspectj-users mailing list

I think this is according to Adrian's comment: "annotate advice declaration (not pointcut)".

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

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