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Re: [aspectj-users] How can I use 'declare' to verify that a class implements a certain interface?

Thanks, but it doesn't seem to work. It creates multiple error markers in Eclipse, which don't seem logical or consistent.
Have I stumpled on a bug in the AJDT 1.3?


Dean Wampler wrote:
This appears to work:

public aspect ModelCheck {
	declare error:
		 within (@Entity mypackage.*) &&
		!within(mypackage.MyInterface+): "Must implement MyInterface";

but note that this doesn't:

	declare error:
		 within (@Entity !mypackage.mypackage.MyInterface+): "Must implement

As an alternative, you could be more more optimistic: ;)

declare parents: (@Entity *) implements MyInterface

Then you'll get a regular compiler error for those classes that
"forget" to implement the interfaces methods. This may not meet your
needs if the interface is an empty marker interface, in which case
you'll get no errors!


On 1/8/06, Jeppe Cramon <jeppe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 I've stumbled across the need to enforce a contract, using declare error,
that all classes that have the @Entity  annotation also needs to implement a
certain interface (here called MyInterface). Since this() can't be used with
declare, I've tried to use staticinitialization() instead, but it doesn't

 Does any one have a suggestion on how to implement such a check?

 Here's the sample aspect:
 package com.betchallenge.model;

 import com.myproject.MyInterface;
 import javax.persistence.Entity;

 public aspect ModelCheck {
    declare error: within(@Entity *) &&
        "An Entity must implement MyInterface";

 Thanks in advance :)

 Best regards


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Dean Wampler
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