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RE: [aspectj-users] problem weaving cflow pointcut aspects into jarfile

Hi Andy
I have only one aspect  . This aspect has 'before' and 'after retuning' and 'after throwing' advices.
Here is something else I found : if I  weave the Aspect source along with the target source files ( that is not use the pre-compiled jar file  but instead use the source of the jar file), then  everything works fine.
So this issue seems to only happen when the aspect is being weaved into a pre-compiled jar file.
-----Original Message-----
From: aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Andy Clement
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 12:17 PM
To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [aspectj-users] problem weaving cflow pointcut aspects into jarfile

It might be a known issue.  Do you use the tracePoints() pointcuts in multiple different aspects?

I fixed something possibly related to this earlier on today...


On 12/12/05, Sharan, Manish <Manish.Sharan@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all
(I am currently using AspectJ 1.5.0 M5, Released 16th November, 2005  with JDK 1.4.2_06-b03)

I am using iajc to weave tracing aspects that uses cflow pointcuts into previously compiled source files that are in a jar file. If my tracing aspects do not contain the cflow poincuts, everything works fine.  If they contain cflow pontcuts , I get this error when executing the jar file:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: ajc$cflowCounter$0

This is the ant task script I am using to weave the aspects: (the ant task executes without any problems)

    <target name="inject">
        <mkdir dir="dest"/>
        <iajc outjar="dest/rulesparser-traceable.jar">
                <pathelement location="target/rulesparser- 1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="tracing.jar"/>
                <pathelement location="${aspectj.dir}/lib/aspectjrt.jar"/>


// --this the pointcut which causes the above exception

        protected pointcut tracePoints() : (
        !cflow(execution(String *.toString()))
            && !cflowbelow(within(JoinPointTraceAspect))
            && !execution(* *.hashCode())
            && !execution(* *.checkTransaction())
            && (execution(* *.* (..)))

/*  This aspect does not cause the above error  but is not enough as it does not use cflow pointcuts

        protected pointcut tracePoints() :
                !execution(String *.toString())
            && !within(JoinPointTraceAspect)
            && !execution(* *.hashCode())
            && !execution(* *.checkTransaction())
            && execution(* *.* (..));


Could anyone tell me what I could do to fix it ?  Is this a known issue ?

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