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Re: [aspectj-users] Pls. read AspectJ documentation

Hi Raoul,

AJDT's documentation is installed with the plug-in.  In the Eclipse workbench click 'Help' > 'Help Contents' and then select 'AspectJ Development User Guide' from the left-hand side to see the contents, or use the search box to search for what you're looking for.  Load-time weaving help is included.  We have discussed making the help available on-line - please raise an enhancement request if it's something you would like to see.



"Wes Isberg" <wes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

22/11/2005 08:38

Please respond to
Wes Isberg and aspectj-users

Re: [aspectj-users] Pls. read AspectJ documentation


> what information to put in "Run/Run.../AspectJ Load-Time Weaving
> Application" to run such a project.

This is good question for adjt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx.  That functionality
is brand new.  You can expect that documentation lags new features,
so it's easy to read (little or nothing) - but not too helpful.

> Can you give me any link to some exemple with LTW within jar files,

There are old and new ways to do LTW.

The new (unreleased) AspectJ 5 way is documented in

(again, caveat for new or unreleased features)

One old way is using aj.bat. See



 aspectj-1.2/doc/examples/build.xml target "tracing-lt"

Another, used by aj.bat, is to use

Finally, to weave jars at build-time, use ajc, e.g.,

 ajc -inpath jarToWeave.jar ...



> ------------Original Message------------
> From: Raoul Pierre <pierre-m.raoul@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Wes Isberg" <wes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Mon, Nov-21-2005 5:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [aspectj-users] Pls. read AspectJ documentation
> Wes,
> Can you give me any link to some exemple with LTW within jar files, and
> what information to put in "Run/Run.../AspectJ Load-Time Weaving
> Application" to run such a project.
> Regards
> Pierre Raoul
> >Hi all -
> >
> >(Please permit me to lecture a bit.)
> >
> >This is just a reminder to please read the AspectJ docs, to save
> yourself
> >time and confusion with AspectJ, if you haven't already.
> >
> >Many emails to the list could be solved with a cursory search of the
> docs,
> >and more would be solved with a careful reading.  More important than
> >email/support traffic, it's pointless for people to struggle
> unnecessarily
> >to figure out why the code "isn't working" when the docs can clear
> things up.  
> >A programming language is not like a user interface, where playing
> with it
> >is enough to become productive.
> >
> >At a minimum, everyone should carefully read the semantics appendix
> >to the AspectJ Programming Guide and all entries in the FAQ:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >For documentation for the next release (currently AspectJ 5), see
> >
> >
> >
> >To search the docs easily, use Google or your favorite search engine,
> >scoped to the doc site:
> >
> >e.g., to search for "infinite" anywhere in the released docs,
> >
> >  infinite site:
> >
> >i.e.,
> >
> >
> >If you have questions not answered by the docs (or you can't find
> >where it is answered), please email the list or submit a doc bug.
> >It's likely someone else has the same problem, and we can solve it
> >in the documentation.
> >
> >Some useful link farms to bookmark:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Thanks for listening, and happy coding -
> >
> >Wes
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >aspectj-users mailing list
> >aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> _______________________________________________
> aspectj-users mailing list
> aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx

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