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RE: [aspectj-users] AJDT 1.3 and aspectj

One more thought though and this is likely bad on my part.  Since I have not established precednce between my aspects, how does aspectj determine how to apply overlapping concerns to a single source file?

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Andy Clement [mailto:andrew.clement@xxxxxxxxx] 
	Sent: Tue 10/4/2005 9:34 AM 
	To: Ron DiFrango 
	Subject: Re: [aspectj-users] AJDT 1.3 and aspectj

	We haven't changed precedence rules so that won't be the problem.
	Eclipse 3.1 AJDT currently includes the latest AspectJ Development
	builds of AJ5 - we are upgrading AJDT with a new AJ at least every
	Monday.  You can decompile the classes to see their woven form - but
	I'd say as a first pass use -showWeaveInfo to verify everything that
	was getting advised with 1.2 is still getting advised with 1.5.
	If the bytecode is broken in some way, my guess would be a method with
	a finally block being advised and the finally block not executing as
	expected.  Can you put some diagnostic advice on the calls in the
	finally block that should be clearing resources and verify the
	clearing up is happening as expected?
	On 04/10/05, Ron DiFrango <rdifrango@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
	> Andy,
	> I will do that this evening [I will have to get my ANT build going] to see what happens.  Whcih version of aspectj is built into the AJDT version for Eclipse 3.1.
	> Also, one other thought, all these aspect for transaction control, etc. are store in seperate files.  So I am wondering if order/precedence has changed between versions and is causing the transaction boundaries to get started/stopped at the wrong points in the application.
	> Boy, I wish we have a generate source option from aspectj 1.2 on wards so I could see this a whole lot easier :-)
	> Ron

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