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Re: [aspectj-users] LTW, javaagent, JUnit and ANT integration

Hi Alexandre, thanks again for your helpful support.

Alexandre Vasseur wrote:
What build are you using ? There has been a fix and sun.reflect.*
i was using a 2days-old build. i just took the new one, no more errors for the sun.reflect package.
For the C15a8d50e_0 issue, do you need to weave this class ?
To weave this specific class it not a goal: instead, it is a goal to weave all classes which implements an annotated interface created on the fly  (which in turn is a subinterface of a given one).
So i cannot exclude that package from the weaving path, because to-be-woven classes will be all there.

By the way, i'm still not sure that every thing is configured properly because of the log i'm getting when launching the application. In particular i can see these messages:
 [junit] Running org.aormf.tests.AllTests
 %-------CUT -----%
 [junit] info using aspectpath: [] -------------------------> is this normal ?
 %-------CUT -----%
 [junit] info zipfile classpath entry does not exist: /usr/java/jdk1.5.0/jre/lib/i18n.jar
 [junit] info zipfile classpath entry does not exist: /usr/java/jdk1.5.0/jre/lib/sunrsasign.jar
 [junit] info directory classpath entry does not exist: /usr/java/jdk1.5.0/jre/classes

 %-------CUT -----%
  [junit] info register classloader sun.reflect.DelegatingClassLoader@2693887
  %-------CUT -----%
  [junit] info register classloader org.objectweb.fractal.julia.loader.DynamicLoader$PublicClassLoader@27832

Since my application uses classloaders, i suppose they are properly instrumented by the aspectj agent: is the last line a confirm of this hypothesis ? If so, i can't understand the reason for the "C15a8d50e_0 issue" : the bytecode of the generated class passes through that PublicClassLoader, which seems to be properly instrumented via the agent.

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