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Re: [aspectj-users] Addressing classes that arent being compiled


Thank you for your reply. I had tried this, however without the '+', as this is new to me (as I understand this means also for any subclass). It matches fine when I use:

pointcut textFieldInit () :
after () returning : textFieldInit()
System.out.println("TextFieldInit!"); } This matches fine, but I cannot relate to the instance of JTextField. Due to the nature of my experimenting I would like to get hold of the actual instance of the JTextField after it has been initialised, so I figured to use the following:

pointcut textFieldInit (JTextField textField) :
       call( && target(textField);
after (JTextField textField) returning : textFieldInit(textField)
System.out.println("TextFieldInit!" + textField); }

Now this does not match very well as I receive the following error:

D:\..\userinterface\TestAspect.aj:22 [warning] advice defined in userinterface.TestAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch]
after (JTextField textField) returning : textFieldInit(textField)

So something is going wrong there :-(, what am I doing wrong? Or am I trying to do something that isn't that natural? (I am making new instances of JTextField obviously in my program...)



You /can/ pass compiled .class files into the AspectJ weaver using the
-inpath option, but you probably don't want to be weaving rt.jar. Changing
your aspect slightly to:

pointcut textFieldInit() : call(;

after () returning(JTextField textField) : textFieldInit()
 System.out.println("TextFieldInit!" + textField);

should give you want you want. The "call" pointcut matches join points on
the calling side, which is where you are...

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