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Re: [aspectj-users] It's a whole new genre.... announcing the AspectJ 5 M2 *candidate* build

This build is now available in the latest AJDT development build, version, available from:
with one version for Eclipse 3.0 and another for Eclipse 3.1M5a.

We'll put out an AJDT 1.2.0M3 release after AspectJ 5 M2 has been declared 
"final". We're also close to another Eclipse 3.1 release (M6 is due 1 
April), so we'll try to add support for that and release soon afterwards).


The AJDT Team

Matt Chapman, mchapman@xxxxxxxxxx
AJDT Development, 

adrian_colyer@xxxxxxxxxx wrote on 24/03/2005 20:56:01:
> Always keen to break new ground, the AspectJ team are pleased to 
> announce a whole new genre of builds: milestone candidates. These 
> are just like release candidate builds, except when they're done 
> they become milestone builds rather than releases :). We believe 
> we've met all of our objectives for AspectJ 5 M2 and have made 
> available a milestone candidate build which you can download as: 
> file=/technology/ajdt/dev/aspectj-DEVELOPMENT-20050324155000.jar 
> (this is also linked as the "Last Known Good Developer Build" from 
> the AspectJ downloads page). 
> We're calling it a milestone *candidate* for two reasons - one is 
> that the auto-build uploading was broken for a period following some
> updates to the infrastructure services, and hence we 
> haven't had the usual level of user testing over the last couple of 
> weeks from all the folks who follow our published builds. The second
> reason is that Andy & I are both going on holiday (independently!) 
> for the next week, starting tomorrow, so we won't be here to pick up
> the pieces if anything unexpected happens.  If there are no major 
> surprises when we get back, we'll release M2 proper. 
> We're aware that M2 is a little later than we had originally hoped. 
> The latter half of February and into March had far too much travel 
> (conferences, consultancy, training etc.) and we weren't able to 
> absorb it without impacting the schedule. We're operating a "stay-
> at-home" policy through April so that we can make a real injection 
> of progress on M3. Priorities for the M3 release including upgrading
> the JDT compiler version to the Eclipse 3.1M6 level, implementing 
> full generics support for aspect members, and integrating our 
> initial support for the annotation-based development style as 
> documented in the AspectJ 5 Developer's Notebook. We also have a 
> number of bugs and enhancements marked as "target 1.5.0 M3" in 
> bugzilla if you're interested in following progress. 
> The changes in AspectJ 5 M2 since M1 are numerous, and the 
> highlights are listed below. The AspectJ 5 Developer's Notebook has 
> been updated to reflect the updates. So many people have contributed
> ideas, suggestions, and bug reports to M2 that it's impossible to 
> list you all - but you know who you are, so thank you. Come 1.5.0 
> final we'll put together a roll-of-honor :) 
> Highlights in AspectJ 5 M2: 
> * Full source compilation of Java 5 programs (with the "-1.5" option) 
> * New Xlint warning when advice does not affect any join points (and
> the @SuppressAjWarnings annotation to suppress it) (-1.5 only) 
> * @this,@target,@args forms changed from @this(@Foo) to @this(Foo) 
> * Full support for annotation binding as context in @this, @target, 
> @args, @annotation, @within, @withincode 
> * Declare annotation (declare @field, declare @method, declare 
> @constructor, declare @type) 
> * Declare soft does not soften runtime exceptions 
> * pertypewithin instantiation model 
> * performance improvements resulting in reduced compilation times 
> * aspectpath has been extended to accomodate directories as well as 
> jar/zip files 
> * many, many bug fixes 
> For examples of some of the new features in action check the following 
> * 
> * 
> * 
> * 
> and also the AspectJ 5 Developer's Notebook: http://dev.eclipse.
> org/viewcvs/indextech.cgi/~checkout~/aspectj-
> home/doc/ajdk15notebook/index.html 
> -- The AspectJ Team 

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