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[aspectj-users] aspects and threads

Hi all

I'm working with aspects which deal with the exceptions that
are thrown at the program. I have a pointcut such as:
pointcut PntSQLException() : execution(* Members.connection(..));

The problem is that when an exception occur, the aspect crosscutts this
exception, but it doesn't come from the aspect again. The console show
this message:

 at jlibrary.Members.connection(
 at jlibrary.EditMembers$

When I change the pointcut to:
pointcut PntSQLException() : call(* Members.connection(..));
the compiler doesn't find the method connection() that is in a thread,
and find others connection() methods, which aren't in threads.
But I need the connection() method that is in a thread.

Has someone any idea??
thanks a lot!!

MSc Candidate in Computer Science
UFSCar - Federal University of São Carlos

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