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Re: [aspectj-users] @this(@Foo) does not work

I just tried the example program AtTarget1 (way down this thread) in
AJDT under Eclipse 3.1M4 and it worked for me,
producing the output:

Color = yellow

I had to add the 1.5.0 system libraries and switch the project
build option to 5.0 (in project properties, first page of JavaCompiler

I'm not quite sure why it's not working for you? Are you doing
anything different to what I've described above?  Do the gutter
annotations appear for these two lines when you compile it:

new AtTarget1().m();



Andrew Clement/UK/IBM@IBMGB
Sent by: aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

20/02/2005 19:51

Please respond to

Re: [aspectj-users] @this(@Foo) does not work


I'm surprised by that - I thought 20050217 would include the fix, I'd
give it a try but the eclipse site is down right now so won't be able
to test it until tomorrow.  I am usually working with the latest dev
build of AspectJ which I know supports this program correctly.

We are getting close to AspectJ 1.5.0M2 and that will 100% support
everything related to annotation matching/binding as described
in the developers notebook.

Along with my example program I sent to the list yesterday, I
privately emailed you a zip of all our 1.5 testcode, did you
receive it?  Or was it treated as spam ;)  let me know and I

can resend if necessary.



"Oli B." <boehm@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

20/02/2005 11:02

Please respond to

Re: [aspectj-users] @this(@Foo) does not work

Hi Andrew,

thanks for your answer, it helps me a lot. I upgraded to the last build
(Build id: 20050217151031) and tried it again. The NoClassDefFoundError
disappears but my example still does not work as expected.

Then I tried your example and got only "method" as output. I guess that
work is still in progress. Is it possible to see the state of the AJDT
project or the testcases? Or where I can find the testcases or examples?

kind regards

Andrew Clement wrote:
> Hi,
> I believe the problem here is the age of the build you are using -
> what you are trying to do is perfectly valid.
> We've put in *loads* of fixes and enhancements for annotations in the
> last couple of weeks that won't be in a build from 20050204.  In your
> particular case you are possibly hitting a bug we had with annotations
> in packages.
> If you try a more recent AJDT then that will fix it.  The new build
> will also have annotation binding in so you examine the annotation in
> your advice.  Here is an example:
> --------8<----------------------------
> import java.lang.annotation.*;
> @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
> @interface Colored { String color(); }
> @Colored(color="yellow")
> public class AtTarget1 {
>   public static void main(String[]argv) {
>     new AtTarget1().m();
>   }
>   public void m() {
>     System.err.println("method");
>   }
> }
> aspect X {
>   before(Colored c): call(* *(..)) && !within(X) && @target(c) {
>     System.err.println("Color = "+c.color());
>   }
> }
> --------8<----------------------------
> The documentation we try and keep up to date is the developers notebook
> and Adrian is currently converting all examples in that notebook into
> real testcases to confirm it does work as claimed.  As for other
> examples, I think we have about 150 testcases for java5 features in CVS -
> some of those will probably make it into the shipped examples at some
> point.
> I should mention an imminent change of syntax, based on some traffic
> on this list.  You won't need the @ in front of your annotation when
> using it within an @ pointcut, so your @target(@Role) will become
> @target(Role).
> cheers,
> Andy.
> ---
> Andy Clement
> AspectJ
> *"Oli B." <boehm@xxxxxxxxxx>*
> Sent by: aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 18/02/2005 19:27
> Please respond to
> aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> To
>                  aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> cc
> Subject
>                  [aspectj-users] @this(@Foo) does not work
> Hi,
> I'm just trying the new AspectJ5 features for my new book using the
> AspectJ 5 Developers Notebook. But with the @this(@Foo) (and the
> following examples) I have problems. Here is my example:
>     after() : call(public * *.*(..)) && @target(@Role) {
>"@@@ " + thisJoinPoint.toShortString());
>     }
> I want to log all calls where the target has a @Role annotation. The
> compilation is successful but when I start my test cases I get a
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Role
>                 at
> space.LogBook.ajc$after$space_LogBook$1$69ac1cc5(LogBook.aj:38)
>                 at space.Taxi.<init>(
>                 at space.test.TaxiTest.setUp(
>                 at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
>                 ...
> I'm using Eclipse 3.1M4 with AJDT on Linux. Is it a
> problem with the pre version or is it a problem of my understanding?
> regards
> Oliver
> --
> Oliver Böhm
> mailto:boehm@xxxxxxxxxx
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> aspectj-users mailing list
> aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx

Oliver Böhm

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